Saturday, September 30, 2023

This Week I...

Hello There!

Let's see what I did this week.
Spoiler: I discovered I can use different fonts on here... Hopefully it works... If it didn't, ignore this.


 Mostly just a blog post. This means there might not be an Animal Crossing post on Wednesday. *shocked Pikachu*

A bunch of fan-fiction.
Bits on my stack of books. I haven't read as much on them as I should. I keep getting sucked into doing things online until way past sleepy time and don't give myself time to read.

Bunch of stuff on YouTube. Spent one day just watching North of the Border stuff. I love his stuff. Highly recommended.
The Haunting of Hill House - It is spooky season. We watch spooky things, yes? 

Still trying to decide if I want to get frustrated at the install time for Mortal Kombat 11. Or to say fuck it and go back and play Deception on the original Xbox, which would require me to move consoles around.
I did play a bit of Pokemon Go when me and the kid went to Walmart. Caught so many Pokemon.

  Posted an Animal Crossing post on Tuesday. Cause I thought it was Wednesday...

Anything Else?

The quitting smoking thing hasn't been going too badly. I've been mostly just limiting my time in between cigarettes until I just stop. I'm up to three hours in between, which I'm doing okay with. This week I was stressed the fuck out and fucked up the schedule for a couple days. But... I didn't actually smoke more on those days. Mornings are seriously the worst for me because it takes me forever to drink a cup of coffee, and I can't eat or anything while drinking coffee. It just makes everything taste gross to me. So when I want a cigarette I can't just be like "I'll have a snack". I suppose I'll have to drink my coffee faster. I mean, I am cutting back, so that's good. I'm down to 4-5 cigarettes a day as opposed to 7-8 a day. It's not much but it's something. 

Also, kiddo learned how to make cross-stitch patterns. They wanted pixel art for a game they like, and they couldn't find any online. So they found a website to make cross-stitch patterns and made a couple. 

That's all for this post. Wednesday's post might not be another Animal Crossing post. But it might. Who knows. Not me. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Hello There!

I got nothing this week so have another bunch of pictures from Animal Crossing.

 Day 18

Last time on Hades...

The shop was closed getting a remodel. Uh. Some other things happened. Maybe.

Yay! I got a stockpile of random stuff to sell.

Oh yeah. Gulliver was here last time. Let's see what he sent me.

He sent me a Sphinx. I love him. The Sphinx and Gulliver.

Look at my smug face... 

Yay! Bigger Cranny!

I am interested... 
I did not buy the chainsaw. Trying to save my bells to pay off Nook. And I couldn't come up with a good spot for a chainsaw. Since you can't use it as an axe upgrade. Lame.

I love you, Sable...

Found me a Peter Pan outfit! Now I just need appropriate shoes and a hat. And a dagger...

It was Rudy's birthday. I gave him a random fish I had just caught... 

C.J.! My man! Got some fish for you.

His partner is Flick. They live together. And I assume are in love. 

Go me!

I went to a random island hoping to find some fruits and flowers I don't have on my island. I found cherries and roses. On two different islands... 

Well, that's all for this Wednesday. I'll see y'all on Saturday.

So my dumbass thought it was Wednesday. This has been an ongoing problem for me this week. So, have this one a day early. I'm gonna go watch some Netflix and read now ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Saturday, September 23, 2023

This Week I...

Hello There!

It's Saturday again. Which means I'm going to pretend I actually did things this week. Spoiler alert: The milk doesn't make it.


I didn't write much this week. Sort of lost motivation on a Witcher fic I was working on. Well, less lost motivation more of I got to a point where I don't know what to do. I was thinking about doing a scene but not sure if it works in the story or not. Eh, I'll figure it out at some point.


Fan-fiction. Well I did read a few original works on AO3 but in my mind it's all fan-fiction since I read it on AO3. But yeah, there is some fucking awesome original work on there if you take the time to look for it. 


The Simpsons - I got Disney+ back and I immediately started watching a show that I have seen thousands of times AND own on DVD. Because I am logical.

It - The original mini-series. 

Wings - just watched the first disc of my DVD collection of the show.

Doctor Who - Watched some episodes I had on the DVR. They were episodes I had already watched, but needed a refresher on before I get started on catching up.

Murder, She Wrote - I think I'm up to season three on Freevee... ๐Ÿค”Jessica just solved a murder while she was stuck in bed and Grady was serving her horrible food.

Good Eats - Gods I love this show. Alton Brown hands out cooking tips and recipes without being boring. He's silly and fun and I learn shit. Totally gonna make my kid watch some of these epsides and count it as school work. Hey, we're still doing Life Skills/Home Ec, so it counts!

I also watched CJUGames play Resident Evil every night before bed. The sounds of him shooting zombies just soothes me...


Nothing. Remembered I bought Mortal Kombat 11 and decided I should play that. And of course the Xbox needed an update. And our internet is shitty (... shittier) today so I should have just played Deception. It was originally what I wanted to play, but I kept remembering the pop-up combos and crying. Fucking pop-up combos.


Animal Crossing post

Anything Else?

Went to Walmart on Friday. Got home about two in the afternoon. Had a nice relaxing day, until about midnight when I FUCKING REALIZED I LEFT THE MILK IN THE FUCKING CAR. So, that's about how my week went... 

And that's really it. 

Wednesday's post will probably be another Animal Crossing post. Sorry, but my attention span has been absolute shit really lately. I did write up an outline... layout... whatever for book reviews, instead of just ramblings. And also came up with ones for talking about movies/TV shows and video games. I should have them perfected by the time I actually get around to reviewing anything. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Day 17

Last time on Hades

Nook's Cranny was getting ready for a remodel. I got ready for a new bridge. There were some fish and some bugs. 


My mom sent me a present! (not my real mom... my video game mom...)

It's a sweater. I love it.

I got new wallpaper. Goes okay with the flooring... 

I also got a world map. It will not be staying there... 

I love you Sable.

Did I make another perfect snowboy? What the hell? How did I suddenly get good at this?

It's Gulliver!

Wake up, Gulliver. I have poked you five times now.

I love him.

Of course I will, Gulliver.

I think I'll change my other bridge to this type. I just really like it.

I forgot about Gulliver and took a nap. Remembered him and panicked thinking he wouldn't still be there. He was. And I got his communicator parts for him.

Scales, you say? Oh, calm down, Blathers. It won't hurt you.

Rudy asked me to catch him a black bass. And said I was his rival, which... weird. 

I don't trust you Rudy...

... It's kind of ugly, Rudy... Why did you give me an ugly jacket? I spent 20 minutes getting that Black Bass for you and you give me this? Ugh... I'll keep it. But I won't be wearing it... 

That's all for this one. See y'all Saturday for that post. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

This Week I...

 Hello There!

Tis Saturday again, which means I get to go over what I did this week and realize I didn't do much of anything.


A bit on a Witcher fic I've been working on. I think I got the first chapter done. Which woo. Now to get the rest done. Got bits for 10 chapters altogether I think. We'll see how that works out for me.



I know. I need to get back to The Stand. But... Ugh. I wanna read happy stories about people making heart eyes at each other.


CJUGames play Resident Evil games mostly. I watched him play both Resident Evil 4 games and then started up his play-through of Resident Evil 7. I'm just sitting here with my fingers crossed that at some point he plays the fifth and sixth games. Cause that will be possibly the only way I have actual knowledge of those games. Any of the Resident Evil games really. I tried to play the remake of the second game and I ended up putting Leon in a corner and crying cause I was scared... I am not a brave person. Much easier to watch CJU play them. Which, yeah, if you are interested in the Resident Evil games but aren't a fan of playing horror games, I highly recommend CJUGames' videos on YouTube. His humor counteracts the scary bits, he reads pretty much all the notes and things out loud so you learn the lore and such, and he is mostly silent during cutscenes. No insult to other YouTubers that do playthrough videos, but if I actually want to know the plot of a game, I watch his videos. Oh, and he only has his facecam visible during the intros and then plays highlights at the end so you're not losing a corner of the game.


Sadly, nothing. Need to get back to Morrowind. But I keep getting distracted. 


A book challenge post

Anything Else?

Went to the local Walmart on Thursday to find they were rearranging the grocery section. Which meant I was incredibly frustrated. I just needed some Easy Mac!

Decided to delete most of my bookmarks on AO3 and start a bit fresh for a few different reasons. So, sorry to anyone who noticed I deleted the bookmark. I might end up bookmarking it again. I basically tried to tackle what I assumed was going to be a small problem and it turned into a massive problem and I got frustrated and when I get frustrated I tend to just start over.

And that's all.

No idea what Wednesday's post will be. Probably an Animal Crossing post. We'll see if I'm right or not on Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Great Book Challenge

Hello there!

 I was hoping to have The Stand finished by this week. But... Well that would require me to go back to reading it. Which I will hopefully do today. So, no rambling about The Stand. 

Instead I'm gonna do this thing I found on Pinterest.

Searched around for the original posting for this. Got a lot of "this page doesn't exist" pages. Soooo... Yeah...
Time to ramble about books again. I do that a lot... ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️

1. Favorite stand-alone 
I'm just going to go with Witch and Wombat by Carolyn Cushman.

2. Most wanted fandom item 
I'm not really sure. Like there are a lot of nerdy fandom things I want, but I lack the money and space for them. But I would love that life-size statue of Kakashi I saw online.

3. Currently reading 
The Stand by Stephen King, mostly. Okay, okay, fan-fiction mostly. But I'll get back to The Stand.

4. Most emotional death
Mordin... Wait. This is about books, not video games. Shit... Uhhh... *forgets every book character that has ever died*
5. Inspiring book quote 
“The really important thing to be was yourself, just as hard as you could.” 
-Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

6. Book that got you into reading 
Probably something by Dr. Suess.

7. Last book you bought 
physical book - Hamlet (No Fear Shakespeare edition) for my kid. 
digital book - ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️ I got a bunch of free books for the Kindle that I don't remember the titles of. They only get filed in the memory banks after I read them and if I enjoy them.

8. Series you never finished 
Hmm... I haven't finished the Trials of Apollo yet. But I plan to. 

9. Fandom you want to join 
I'm think I'm all filled up on fandoms... 

10. Favorite place to read 
Curled up in bed. 

11. Recommend a book 
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Carrie by Stephen King
Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Witch and Wombat by Carolyn Cushman

12. Worst reading experience 
I have blocked those from my memory banks. I have vague memories of complaining to Ryan about books I didn't enjoy, but nothing specific. 

13. Your bookmark(s) 
I got a box of bookmarks. Yes, I do mostly use pieces of the boxes from my Funko Pops. I put clear contact paper on them so they're protected. 

14. Most underrated book 
Witch and Wombat by Carolyn Cushman (Hey, I really fucking love this book, okay)

15. Favorite quote 
“Life is too short to read books that I'm not enjoying.”
-Melissa Marr

16. Relatable character 
Kakashi Hatake from Naruto (hey, it was a manga before it was an anime, so he counts as a book character), because I also will read when I should be doing other things.

17. Favorite book universe
I'm going to go with the Riordan-verse which includes the Percy Jackson books as well as the Kane Chronicles, the Magnus Chase books, and I'm not sure but the ones by other writers I think also fit into the universe. I just find the whole ancient gods and goddesses still being around interesting and Rick Riordan did a really great job creating a universe with all of them.

18. Book that made you laugh
The Simpsons episode guide books?

19. Favorite IG fandom account 
I don't have one.

20. Best sequel 
Ugh. Seriously the only sequel I can think of right now is Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. Which is a great sequel. But there has to be others, right?

21. Book you read for school 
I once read Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice for a book report. I think I was in 7th grade?

22. Your guilty pleasure book 
I don't really have one.

23. Favorite casting choice
Umm... Sissy Spacek as Carrie in the original movie.

24. Old read 
Young Jedi Knights Series by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta?

25. Nook vs. traditional book 
Well... I don't have a Nook. I have a Kindle. And the Kindle app on my tablet. And honestly, I don't prefer either. There are pros and cons for traditional books and ebooks. 

26. Favorite reading snack/drink 
My bowl of snacks with a soda usually

27. Funniest line from a book 
“Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchcraft are written by men."
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch

28. Your Hogwarts house 
... Ravenclaw... Shut up.

29. Local bookshop 
We don't have one. The closest book store to me is Barnes and Noble which is at least a 35-minute drive. 

30. Saddest book ending
Pretty much any Stephen King book. Cause everyone fucking dies.

Well, I think that's good enough. I got this all filled out in a day, which is unusual for me cause I like to overthink everything. 

Do you have a book related question for me? Leave me a comment or find me on social media.

Support me on Ko-Fi (so I can buy more books)

Saturday, September 9, 2023

This Week I...

Hello There!

Let's see what I did this week, shall we?

I got a braincell. 


A bunch on a Witcher fic. Would love if I could stay focused and get it finished.


A lot of fan-fiction. Wasn't having a great mental health week and decided that more Stephen King wasn't going to be helpful so I put a pause on The Stand.


Penguins of Madagascar

Aaah! Real Monsters

CJUGames Resident Evil playthroughs. I'm finally watching him play the fourth game. Not the remake of the fourth game. The original. I'll watch the remake later.

Look at all that pretty... 


Nothing. I need to get back to Morrowind, but it didn't happen this week.


Animal Crossing Post

Anything Else?

I canceled the Walmart+ free trial. Which, you cannot cancel that early and still get the full month out of it. Just a heads up. But, to me, it isn't worth the 13 bucks a month. Some people might benefit from it. But not me. The only part that I would use was the Paramount+ subscription, but it's cheaper to just get that. Which, Paramount+ had a lot of things I wanted to watch, but didn't. Since I only had (less than) a month I stuck to random old shows I enjoyed. Pretty disappointed that I didn't get to finish School Spirits, but that's on me. I had the plan with ads, and they weren't so bad. They changed with what I was watching, so no worries if you want to let your kids watch the Nickelodeon stuff that they'll see ads for adults. Nope. Just ads for toys, other shows, and random Nickelodeon music videos. Okay, two music videos and the songs are STILL stuck in my head...

Also, the plan to stretch my time in between cigarettes did not work well this week. Still at two hours in between. But it was also a period week so I'm not gonna be too hard on myself about it. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day 16

Last time on Hades

Able Sisters! Store! Yay!

Oh. Damn. 

Oh my. It has been a while and my hair is a mess.

I got a cat tree! No cat though... 
Kiddo explained to me that if I gift this to a cat villager, they will sit on it. Not giving it to Rudy... Need a new cat villager.

Look at my cute little coat!

All decorated for the holidays. Also, I need to change that flag but I can't decide on what I want... This was easier went my island was named Turtle. I just did a bad drawing of a turtle and was done.

I have a stockpile of snowflakes now... 

I made a cute little rose wreath. 

Able sisters! Able sisters! 


I love you, Sable. 

Building that second bridge. Lloid wants my money. *hands Lloid money* build my bridge, Lloid.

Money tree! That will help with my bridge-building!

Look at my garden! I need to swap out some of the orange pumpkins with the white ones. That is too many orange ones and not enough white ones. I want balance.

My flowers are growing nicely!

A few decorated trees. *starts shaking them furiously* gimme your baubles! 

I think somehow I made a perfect Snowperson my first try. Huh. I'll fuck up the others... 

Wooo! Build my bridge, Lloid.

Cherry gave me a wreath! 

Oh, it's Wisp. Gonna chat with HOLY FUCK WISP EXPLODED!

Poor baby is so scared.

Of course Wisp! Anything for you!

Yay! Wisp is back!

I tried to make a Hawkeye hat. Wish it wasn't pointy, but honestly, it wasn't too bad for my first attempt.

And that's all for this week. See y'all Saturday for the weekly update post.