Saturday, September 30, 2023

This Week I...

Hello There!

Let's see what I did this week.
Spoiler: I discovered I can use different fonts on here... Hopefully it works... If it didn't, ignore this.


 Mostly just a blog post. This means there might not be an Animal Crossing post on Wednesday. *shocked Pikachu*

A bunch of fan-fiction.
Bits on my stack of books. I haven't read as much on them as I should. I keep getting sucked into doing things online until way past sleepy time and don't give myself time to read.

Bunch of stuff on YouTube. Spent one day just watching North of the Border stuff. I love his stuff. Highly recommended.
The Haunting of Hill House - It is spooky season. We watch spooky things, yes? 

Still trying to decide if I want to get frustrated at the install time for Mortal Kombat 11. Or to say fuck it and go back and play Deception on the original Xbox, which would require me to move consoles around.
I did play a bit of Pokemon Go when me and the kid went to Walmart. Caught so many Pokemon.

  Posted an Animal Crossing post on Tuesday. Cause I thought it was Wednesday...

Anything Else?

The quitting smoking thing hasn't been going too badly. I've been mostly just limiting my time in between cigarettes until I just stop. I'm up to three hours in between, which I'm doing okay with. This week I was stressed the fuck out and fucked up the schedule for a couple days. But... I didn't actually smoke more on those days. Mornings are seriously the worst for me because it takes me forever to drink a cup of coffee, and I can't eat or anything while drinking coffee. It just makes everything taste gross to me. So when I want a cigarette I can't just be like "I'll have a snack". I suppose I'll have to drink my coffee faster. I mean, I am cutting back, so that's good. I'm down to 4-5 cigarettes a day as opposed to 7-8 a day. It's not much but it's something. 

Also, kiddo learned how to make cross-stitch patterns. They wanted pixel art for a game they like, and they couldn't find any online. So they found a website to make cross-stitch patterns and made a couple. 

That's all for this post. Wednesday's post might not be another Animal Crossing post. But it might. Who knows. Not me. 

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