Sunday, October 1, 2023

October Plans

Hello There.

Tis the first of the month, which means time to outline my goals for the month that I will avoid doing. Because I am a horrible person. 


I plan to write something. I have been having some trouble actually writing lately, so hopefully I can change that.


September was not good for my reading either. Got better towards the end of the month so hopefully, I can keep that up.

I just wanna finish one of these books. Just one. Well, I want to finish them all, but baby steps.


Well, still haven't watched the things I said I was gonna watch last month. So... Let's try those again. And I wanna get caught up on Marvel and Star Wars stuff. I am very behind...


I wanna play some Mortal Kombat. Just been in the mood... 

Anything Else?

Me and the kiddo are gonna start on some sewing stuff for school. That is mostly all they have left to do. Well, Life Skills, two book reports, three history essays, and three writing assignments. Wow. They got a lot to do. But they got the time to work on it all. 

I think that's all for this one. Mostly because I thought there were 31 days in September and was quite shocked late last night when I saw all the October 1st posts on Tumblr... 

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