I found this on Pinterest. Sorry for the shit quality... Not even sure why I put the picture on here... Not changing it now.
1. Very first video game
It was definitely something on Atari or ColecoVision, I just can't remember what. I remember playing Mouse Trap a lot on ColecoVision. So, I'll count that as my first video game. Or maybe it was Pitfall... Oh gods, I can't remember, but I was very young.
2. Your favorite character
The dog from Dragon Age: Origins. Love my big puppers.
3. A game that is underrated
I don't have an answer for this. Games I am a fan of are pretty well-known and popular.
4. Your guilty pleasure game
Okay, so, there are these virtual romantic novel mobile games that I will fucking obsess over every so often. I will sit there and just kill the battery on my phone playing them, only to plug the thing in so I can keep playing. I try to avoid them but something always sucks me back in and I can't stop playing for days...
Those and Shall We Date: Obey Me. It's a dating sim mobile game where you can date a demon. I love Mammon. He is my precious baby.
5. Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)
Varric, only because of the writing and sarcasm. He is way more badass than me, though.
6. Most annoying character
I was going to say Conrad Verner, but he was more creepy than annoying... So creepy...
7. Favorite game couple
Herren and Wade from the Dragon Age games. Still sad that they didn't appear in every game. Would have loved having those two making my armor in Inquisition.
8. Best soundtrack
I don't own any video game soundtracks, but I listen to a lot on Pandora and YouTube (helps me focus sometimes). So, my opinion is based on what I find on those. This means I'm gonna go with Dragon Age: Inquisition because I like the minstrel's songs.
9. Saddest Game Scene
Mass Effect 3. Mordin's death.
10. Best gameplay
I'm not sure. I have no major complaints for the gameplay of any of the games I play...
11. Gaming system of choice
I don't really have one. I'll play games on Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, and PC.
12. A game everyone should play
Animal Crossing? Honestly, I don't know. People have different tastes in games so this is a hard question to answer.
13. A game you've played more than five times
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
14. Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper
Got Edward Kenway from Assassin's Creed: Black Flag on my lockscreen on my phone. My laptop wallpaper is on shuffle and right now it is not video game related.
15. Post a screenshot from the game you're playing right now
16. Game with the best cut scenes
Uh.... Uh.... The Assassins Creed games?
17. Favorite antagonist
Does my own incompetence count?
18. Favorite protagonist
Galen "Starkiller" Marek from The Force Unleashed games.
19. Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
20. Favorite genre
I am not good at identifying genres... But I'm gonna go with RPGs. Are they a genre? I don't fucking know. And I care a bit less than I know...
21. Game with the best story
Don't make me choose!
22. A game sequel which disappointed you
Knights of the Old Republic 2. The game was great, don't get me wrong. I love it. But it felt unfinished. Which disappointed me.
23. Game you think had the best graphics or art style
Graphics in games just keeps getting better, so I'm just gonna name some games I think had interesting art styles -
Mundaun - this game looks (or is?) hand-drawn and is super interesting looking.
Animal Crossing - I just love the cutesy look of the games
Slender Threads - this game just has a really cool look to it. Can't wait for the full version to come out.
24. Favorite classic game
25. A game you plan on playing.
All the Assassin's Creed games starting from Black Flag on. Gods I am sucking at playing video games lately.
26. Best voice acting
I honestly can't think of a game I enjoy that didn't have great voice acting...
27. Most epic scene ever
The only scene I can think of right now is that opening cinematic from Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Hold on. I shall
link it because it is just so *chef's kiss*
28. Favorite game developer
I'm going to go with BioWare...
29. A game you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Red Dead Redemption.
30. Your favorite game of all time
Why must you make me choose?!
And that's it. Another 30 Day Challenge done in one day (took me way longer to actually fill this out... Longer than 30 days probably). See y'all next Wednesday.
“My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.”
-Mitch Hedberg