Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Night Shift by Stephen King

Night Shift is a book of Stephen King's short stories. It was originally published in 1976, so these are some of his older stories. Was gonna just give y'all a paragraph of which stories I really liked, but, that is boring (or something) so have my opinions of each story. Enjoy. Or don't. I don't control you. 

Jerusalem's Lot

This one was really interesting. Made me want to read Salem's Lot again. It is a prequel to the book and is told through letters. 

Graveyard Shift

Ugh. Rats. Not a bad story, but ugh, so many rats.

I started this movie recently and didn't finish it. Wasn't in the mood for rats. Though, Brad Dourif (good old Grima Wormtongue) is in it!

Night surf

I had to look this up to make sure it wasn't a sequel or something to another book. It is not. Good story. A bit depressing.

I Am the Doorway

Eyes in his fingers! Eyes in his fingers!

The Mangler

This story totally deserved a "Crack Treated Seriously" tag. And I found it fantastic. 

The Boogeyman

I hated the main character in this one. Fuck him. 

Gray Matter



Again, Crack Treated Seriously. And fantastic.


I probably laughed too much reading this. But seriously. Trucks are killing people. My kid said this is probably how Cars started. They brought up theory videos on YouTube that I will not be watching.  

Sometimes They Come Back

Probably my favorite in the book. I own the movie, but haven't watched it since I was in high school. I remember loving the movie. Didn't realize it was a Stephen King movie until I saw the DVD on sale somewhere and I bought it. I remember nothing about the movie. Aside from someone comes back from somewhere. So I had some nostalgia going into this story, and was not disappointed.

Strawberry Spring

Oh, this one was great. Loved the ending. Which I hear is not something Stephen King is good at. 😂

The Ledge

Not a bad story.

The Lawnmower Man

I don't even think this crack was treated seriously.

Quitters, Inc

Stephen King has this habit of mentioning something in the beginning of a book or story and then calling back to it later. Which I enjoy. But with my shit memory I'm constantly like "Hey... Wasn't this mentioned before?" and I have to go back and find the bit to make sure I remembered correctly. This story did that. But overall a good story.

I Know What You Need

I watch a lot of True Crime stuff and expected the girl to get murdered. She did not. Made me happy.

Children of the Corn

I feel bad saying this, but I prefer the movie. The story was good, I'm not saying it was bad. I'm saying I preferred the movie based on my own personal preferences. The character of Burt was less of a douche in the movie. The movie had a happier ending. And I liked the inclusion of the two kids in the movie. Again, it wasn't a bad story. 

The Last Rung on the Ladder

Okay, this one was just sad.

The Man Who Loved Flowers

True Crime by Stephen King.

One for the Road

This one is a sequel to Salem's Lot (which, thanks to Ryan I actually knew that because I probably would have looked it up to figure out where it fit in). Pretty good. Made me want to read Salem's Lot even more.

The Woman in the Room 

This one was just sad, too. Stop making me sad, Mr. King!

All in all, great book. Highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys King's work.

“Chicago is known as the Windy City, and Montana is called the Big Sky State, so I think that we should somehow combine the two to create the ultimate kite-flying experience.”

-Mitch Hedberg

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