Saturday, April 8, 2023

What I'm Watching


Photo by Nothing Ahead

Just a quick refresher for anyone that forgot:

With the new year, I got back into scheduling what I watch. By that I mean, each day I focus on one streaming service or watching DVDs/blu-rays I own. I started doing this years ago and it really helped me to actually finish watching shows instead of just starting something and then going back and watching random shit on YouTube for the next month. Which is what I’ve been doing for the past year, really. So, I’m going to start some posts talking about what I’m watching for each day and my thoughts, and my expectations to actually finish it.


I miss Disney+. Been in a real Star Wars mood lately. 


It (1990)

It has been years since I’ve watched this. Forgot Seth Green was in it. I love Seth Green. This was all I watched. I originally was going to play a video game and spent four hours waiting for the PS4 to do updates and install the game. By the time it was all ready to play, I wasn’t in the mood anymore so I watched It. Anyway! Great mini-series. I really need to read the book, by the way. 


The Great North

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

The Simpsons

Family Guy


Caught up on The Great North and John Oliver. Then just put on FXX and watched it until I fell asleep.


Adam Ruins Everything

Up to season three. And I’m really missing Emily and Murph. Show is still awesome, I just grow attached to fictional characters very easily. 




Inside Job

There’s Someone Inside Your House


Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer

Watched season two of Inside Job. Which… Holy fuck! That is how it ends? I need more. Right now. 

There’s Someone Inside Your House was good. Total Scream vibes. But not bad.

Malevolent was not what I expected. I went in expecting more ghosts. Still a quality horror flick.

Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer was interesting. Focused on the detectives that were on the Richard Ramirez case. 




Pennywise: The Story of It

Children of the Corn (1984)

Where’s Rose

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty

The Story of It was cool to watch. Especially since I just watched the miniseries. 

Children of the Corn was… Okay it was good. But those special effects in the end, man. 

Where’s Rose was a good movie. Did not see that fucking plot twist. I am still recovering from that. Holy shit.

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty… Huh. Well, I won’t say it was bad. It wasn’t a shitty horror movie. It gave me indie horror game vibes because of the mannequins. 

Then our power went out and I was creeped out the rest of the night. I usually end my horror movie watching with a couple hours of watching something light and fun. But I couldn’t. 


Killer Mysteries

Very basic true crime show. Wasn’t bad. I did know a few of the stories from other true crime shows. Also, can we all just laugh at Dennis Rader again for the whole asking the cops if they could trace who he was with a floppy disc and believing them when they said no? Fucking hilarious. 


Murder Comes to Town

Yet more true crime. The narration on this one was very dramatic, which was hilarious, in my opinion. The reenactments were shit but the over-dramatic narration made up for it for me. 



It Chapter Two

Wow. So. Okay. Huh. 

First, I had a legitimate fear that I would find Bill Skarsgård attractive in these movies. He is an attractive man and I was scared that after this I would develop a clown kink. Thank the fucking gods I did not. 

Second, I really need to read this fucking book. 

And finally, holy shit those were some good movies! Got a few good jump scares in on me. Which, good for them. I tend to not get jump scared because I’m expecting them too often. The movies are unsettling, and not because of the killer clown. And bits of the movies stuck in my brain as I was trying to go to sleep later. 


The Casual Criminalist - Dennis Rader: The BTK Killer

Again, can we laugh at this dude getting caught because he believed the police when they told him they couldn’t trace him through a floppy disc?

The 7 Cheapest Tricks Pulled By Fighting Game Bosses - outsidexbox

I made the Great Wave off Kanagawa out of Resin - North of the Border

IT Chapter 2 ALL DELETED SCENES & SUPERCUT Explained - Flicks And The City

Still a bit obsessed with It…. 

Dread Of Laughter | Indie Horror Game | PC Gameplay - CJUGames

I think this might be the only time I’ve seen CJU give up on a game. Which, fair. 

All Deleted Scenes Of The Movie The It (2017) - Harry Morgan

Not the best video but eh.

7 Levels You Definitely Got Lost In - Outside Xtra

I have never got lost in any of these games… I’ve also never played any of these games. Which is probably the only reason I haven’t gotten lost. I routinely get lost on the Ebon Hawk in Knights of the Old Republic.

IT (2017) Movie FREAKY FACTS You Need To Know! - Flicks And The City

I knew all these cause I spent a couple hours reading through imdb’s trivia section for both movies. 

Dispatch | Keep Calm Through Disturbing Phone Call | Indie Horror Game - CJUGames

Unsettling game… 

Opening Gag Scene | It [Deleted Scene] - Flashback FM

Oh gods. I’m still giggling about this.

Stay Close | Full Indie Horror Game Let's Play | PC Gameplay Walkthrough - CJUGames

Apparently I was in the mood to watch CJU play shit games… Eh, that’s not true, Dispatch was a solid game.

Let's Play Notes Of Obsession | Full Game Walkthrough | 60fps Gameplay - CJUGames

This game made me jump. 

The Radio Station 深夜放送 | Japanese Psychological Horror | Indie Horror Game - CJUGames

I Remade Monsters EXACTLY as described in the book... Pt.2! - Jazza

First time I watched something from this dude. Love the concept. I got a little cranky over him complaining about the Striga descriptors. But that was just me being salty about the Witcher show. Wanna check out more of these videos. 

The King of Moths | Moth House | Indie Horror Game - CJUGames

Sadly, no Mothman in this. But… plenty of other moths…

And with that, I will start posting these as I finish up a round. 
Regular posts on Wednesdays. 

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