Wednesday, October 26, 2022

30 Days Multifandom Challenge (in one post)


Another 30 Day Challenge! In one day! Yay!

This one took a while to hunt down. I found it on Pinterest, but tracked down who made it through some searching through Instagram. So, this is from w.i.c.k_e.d. over on Instagram. (and I super just realized it says "by w.i.c.k_e.d." right there....)

Also, none of these are an end all of my favorites or whatever. I'm just going with the first answer that pops in my head.

1. Favorite female character
Kate Bishop

2. Favorite male character
Clint Barton

3. First show you watched
I have no idea. Does anyone know the first show they watched?

4. Top 3 Shows
The Addams Family
Doctor Who

5. A show everyone else has watched except you
Stranger Things.

6. Last movie you saw with a friend
I am honestly not sure. 

7. Favorite movie
Muppets from Space

8. Favorite childhood movie
Either The Little Mermaid or The Land Before Time

9. Childhood OTP
Eh, probably Ariel and Eric. 

10. Your OTP
Gomez and Morticia Addams.

11. An OTP you don't like
I assume we mean a canon couple I dislike. Ross and Rachel. Rachel deserves better. Fuck Ross.

12. A couple you didn't expect to love
Monica and Chandler. I loved Chandler from probably the first sarcastic comment. Monica I was mostly eh with. So when they got together I was expecting to dislike the whole thing. Nope. Loved it.

13. A new couple you can't stop love
Not sure if they count as a new couple, but damn do I love Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy as a couple.

14. Favorite trio
Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman

15. Favorite friendship
I'm gonna go with Stevie and David from Schitt's Creek.

16. Favorite siblings
Either David and Alexis from Schitt's Creek or Pugsley and Wednesday from Addams Family

17. Favorite badass character
Hatake Kakashi.

18. A character that deserves so much happiness
Hatake Kakashi. Look, I've been reading a bunch of Naruto fan-fiction lately and I have a lot of feelings for Kakashi needing happiness and love.

19. An underrated character
Sakura from Naruto. A lot of people say she's useless but she is badass. 

20. A character you like that everyone else dislikes
Sera from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Not everyone dislikes Sera, but I've seen a lot of dislike for her and I am more meh towards her. I find some of her antics funny, some sort of annoying. She is not a favorite character of mine, but I do recruit her and keep her around. I also don't dislike her. She reminds me a lot of teenagers I have had to supervise over the years... And I liked those kids.

21. A character you dislike that everyone else likes
Joker. Okay. It's not really that I dislike Joker, I just think he is overused. Batman has about 200 villains in his rogue gallery, most of which are interesting as hell. But who always shows up in a Batman thing? Fucking Joker. Who gets his own origin movie? Fucking Joker. Who do morons think Harley Quinn should be with? Fucking Joker. Who finally gets killed off and I think I can play a Batman video game without dealing with his bullshit, but then shows up as a hallucination for the entire game? Fucking Joker. I am tired of the fucking Joker. I will say that he is a good adversary against Batman. He is a strong villain. But I am so fucking tired of him.

22. Best character development
Sakura from Naruto. She went from sort of annoying teen girl with a crush to an absolute badass. Love that journey for her.

23. A character who deserves better
Obi-Wan Kenobi. I haven't watched the show yet, but seriously, Obi-Wan deserved better than to be a hermit on a desert planet because Anakin was easily manipulated. I have been reading up a bit on Obi-Wan's past (at least the Legends version of events) and it was also not the greatest. He deserved better. He deserved retirement on a beach planet with cocktails and scantily clad waiters and waitresses. 

24. A couple that deserves better
Han and Leia. In both the new canon and the Legends canon they end up with a kid going dark. In the Legends universe, they also have a child die. Chewie died as well, who was close to both Han and Leia. They deserved to retire on that beach with Obi-Wan. With Chewie. And Chewie's family. And Luke and his family. Gods... I miss the Legends universe.

25. Saddest death
Mordin in Mass Effect. I know I can play the game where he survives, but, it's not what he would have wanted. But his death always makes me cry.

26. Favorite living meme
I don't know what those words mean... Is Sebastian Stan an appropriate answer? I feel like I have heard him being called a living meme on Tumblr...

27. Favorite actress
Betty White

28. Favorite actor
Chris Evans

29. Favorite villain

30. A fictional world you would visit
I got a whole post about this... But, at the moment, since I fell down a Star Wars fan-fiction hole and refuse to dig myself out, I would like to visit one of the Star Wars planets. I don't know which one. Maybe Dantooine or Yavin 4. Maybe Endor but I don't trust the ewoks not to eat me. 

That's all for this week! See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day Five

Last time on Hades

I can't remember. 

I took a break from playing for a bit. No reason why, just didn't have time or feel like playing. I do remember that the museum was about to be built. So, let's see if that happened.

Reigning Czar of Halloween? What the hell?

Well, that was the present from Jack, the Reigning Czar of Halloween. A framed portrait of himself. Ignore the mess of my house. I just got it.

By the way, got a house. Did not take a picture of the outside for some reason, but here is the inside so far. 

Got a new errand from Timmy. Gonna build us a shop! I need a lot of wood. And some nuggets. This will take me at least a few days.

The museum! Now for a tour!

This is part of the insect section of the museum. Which is probably my favorite section. I just love how it is laid out.

Another part of the insect section. 

More space for bugs.

This is part of the art section. It's kind of boring in comparison to the other sections. No art yet. 

Part of the fossil section. 

More of the fossil section.

I found that. In the ground.

Part of the fish section. 

You can almost see the Ribbon Eel I caught.

So many places to put fish!

And we'll finish up with some more pictures of bugs I caught.

Oh gods. I love Cherry's house.

And, that's it for this week. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Day Four

Last time on Stephy Plays Animal Crossing:
Blathers came to Hades.
I scared him with bugs.
Got to explore most of my island (still some bits I can't quite reach)
I donated enough items to start a museum

Wooo! Museum!

Because you had no faith in me. 

A bench and a vending machine. Anything for you Cherry.

Caught some cicadas.

That's gonna be my museum soon!

Yay! A Nemo fish!

I bought a hammock. For relaxing purposes.

I bought a beach towel for relaxing on the beach purposes. 

Forgot to snap a picture with the joke... For those curious it said "I caught a brown cicada! Now it probably feels blue, cicada." (Thanks Animal Crossing Wikia )

Planted the apples Mom sent me. Look at that little apple tree!


Thank the gods. I got my tool wheel. Now I won't keep pressing the wrong button trying to get to the tool I need. 

Tool wheel is almost full. 

I didn't plant the flowers I have yet. Not sure where to put them.
Next time my house should be built. So that's good. The museum should also be open. So the next update will probably be a little tour of both my house and the museum. 

Oh! I've been meaning to share this but kept forgetting!
To check out an awesome set of videos of Luke Westaway (from Outside Xtra) build up his Animal Crossing island, here is a link to the full playlist. I still tend to put this playlist on as background noise. And I watched them before I started playing so I got some tips and tricks going into the game. 
The videos are just super relaxing and fun to watch. And other people from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra show up. As well as some people from Eurogamer, I believe. But yeah, highly recommend these.

That's all for this week. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

30 Day Book Challenge (all at once)


Who loves nerdy 30 day challenges?
Who refuses to do them as they were intended?
Also me!
Enjoy these thirty questions about books that I probably spent too much time trying to answer.

1. Best book you read last year
I read a lot of good books in the past year. I think I read Red, White, and Royal Blue? Which was awesome and pretty new still. So, let's go with that one.

2. A book that you've read more than 3 times
I have read a lot of books more than 3 times but I'm gonna go with The Courtship of Princess Leia by Dave Wolverton

3. Your favorite series
So many good choices. I'm gonna go with the Argeneau series by Lynsay Sands. Paranormal romance with great characters, solid plots, and a fantastic amount of humor.

4. Favorite book of your favorite series
Vampires are Forever. Okay, I love all the books in the Argenau series, but I remember reading the books for the first time and fell in love with Thomas, so his book became a favorite. 

5. A book that makes you happy
Witch and Wombat by Carolyn Cushman

6. A book that makes you sad
The entire Star Wars Expanded Universe (or I suppose it's called Legends now). Aside from a few that are actually sad, the reason is more that I spent over 20 years reading those books and falling in love with what all those writers did with the characters, so when it was officially announced to be not canon I was sad (still am) because I won't get any more of those. I'm not saying I'm against what is happening in the Star Wars universe now. I enjoy all of it well enough. But it's like I lost an old friend. I still have the books, the memories, but I'll never get anything new. Though... Towards the end there I was getting pretty depressed since they killed off a favorite character and had another go to the dark side... 

7. Most underrated book
Witch and Wombat by Carolyn Cushman

8. Most overrated book
The Fifty Shades of Grey books. I will admit that I never actually read them, but from what I have seen around, those books did not deserve all the publicity and praise they received. 

9. A book you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
I'm not really sure. I guess Twilight? But I don't really "love" it. It was good for what it was. Not as shitty as people make it out to be. But also not as great as some people think it is.

10. Favorite classic book
Peter Pan.

11. A book you hated
I got nothing. There are books that I didn't enjoy, but I can't remember the titles or anything. Got more important things to remember.

12. A book you used to love but don't anymore
I can't think of any actual titles, but there have been a few romance novels that I enjoyed before, but now I find cringey as hell.

13. Your favorite writer
This question is always hard because there are so many that I love. But I'm gonna say Lynsay Sands because I love her mix of romance and humor. And I really liked how her vampires came to be. 

14. Favorite book of your favorite writer
Since I already talked about Lynsay Sands' Argeanu series, I'm gonna go with one of her other books for this one. Honestly, I don't have a favorite, but Lady Pirate was super good. 

15. Favorite male character
Bernie from Witch and Wombat.

16. Favorite female character
Hali from Witch and Wombat

17. Favorite quote from your favorite book
Don't have one. 🤷🏻‍♀️

18. A book that disappointed you
The last book in the Southern Vampire Mysteries series. I just... Why?

19. Favorite book turned into a movie
Are we going by my love for the book or my love for the movie or if it was adapted well? Because all of those are different answers. 

20. Favorite romance book
I'm just gonna go with any romances by Lynsay Sands.

21. Favorite book from your childhood
Either something from the Berenstain Bears or Little Critter series as a young child. A little older and it was the Wayside school books. 

22. Favorite book you own
Do not ask me to play favorites like that.

23. A book you've wanted to read for a long time but still haven't
Frankenstein. I just keep putting it off for some reason.

24. A book that you wish more people would've read
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

25. A character who you can relate to the most
I dunno. A hobbit from Lord of the Rings. Not like, Bilbo or Frodo or Sam or Pippen or Merry cause they are all brave and have big adventures. Some barely mentioned hobbit that just hangs out in the Shire eating and having a good time.

26. A book that changed your opinion about something
Mayflower Madam by Sydney Biddle Barrows

27. The most surprising plot twist or ending
I think Gone Girl had a hell of a twist. Thankfully I read it before it got spoiled for me.

28. Favorite title
Uh. I dunno. Love Bites by Lynsay Sands?

29. A book everyone hated but you liked
I have no idea what other people hate...

30. Your favorite book of all time
Uh. Uh. PASS!

And that's all I got for this week. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻