Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day Five

Last time on Hades

I can't remember. 

I took a break from playing for a bit. No reason why, just didn't have time or feel like playing. I do remember that the museum was about to be built. So, let's see if that happened.

Reigning Czar of Halloween? What the hell?

Well, that was the present from Jack, the Reigning Czar of Halloween. A framed portrait of himself. Ignore the mess of my house. I just got it.

By the way, got a house. Did not take a picture of the outside for some reason, but here is the inside so far. 

Got a new errand from Timmy. Gonna build us a shop! I need a lot of wood. And some nuggets. This will take me at least a few days.

The museum! Now for a tour!

This is part of the insect section of the museum. Which is probably my favorite section. I just love how it is laid out.

Another part of the insect section. 

More space for bugs.

This is part of the art section. It's kind of boring in comparison to the other sections. No art yet. 

Part of the fossil section. 

More of the fossil section.

I found that. In the ground.

Part of the fish section. 

You can almost see the Ribbon Eel I caught.

So many places to put fish!

And we'll finish up with some more pictures of bugs I caught.

Oh gods. I love Cherry's house.

And, that's it for this week. See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

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