Saturday, January 6, 2024

This Week I...

 Saturday again.



 Very little.

Did some work on my Writing Challenge stuff. But not much.


 Mostly fan-fiction. I did read a bit on my Now Reading Stack, but haven't finished anything yet.


Elementary - Gods I love this show.

 World's Most Evil Killers - it was background noise.

Inside Job - Forgot I was all caught up on this show and ended up watching it again.

Avatar: The Last Airbender - This show is as old as my kid. And I feel bad that it has taken me this long to watch it. It's a really good show. Also, props to the fans because in 18 years nothing has been spoiled for me.



 Games on my phone.


January Plans

My Ramblings About Miss Sherlock

Anything Else?



That's all for this one. 

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