Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day 20

Last time on Hades

Label visited the island. I got new shoes.

I'm collecting wasps. For reasons. Reasons I explained before...

She is talking to me more! 😍 I also totally bought that dress.

That is such a weird pose and facial expression for modeling knee bandages...

Finally! I fucked one up! I was beginning to think the game made it impossible to make an imperfect snowboy.

Huh. This is not what I imagined the inside of Cherry's house to look like...

I got a door plate thing! Looks awesome!

Ooooookay... *backs away slowly*

I have no comments, really...

That's all for this one.
Support me on Ko-Fi
See y'all on Saturday

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