Saturday, January 13, 2024

This Week I...

 Hello There!

Saturday again. So, let's see what I did this week.


 Mostly stuff on a few blog posts.


Mostly fan-fiction. I read a bit on my Now Reading Stack.



 Avatar: The Last Airbender - Decided to cancel Netflix and realized I had never watched this show. So, figured I could try to fit it in before no more Netflix. Now I regret not watching it sooner cause I wanna watch it again. Sokka is the best. Love that boy.

The Legend of Korra  - I enjoyed this one as well, but the original series is still my favorite of the two. We did get an almost lesbian relationship in this one. Gonna have to read the comics now.

Mysteries at the Museum - Seriously this show just makes me wanna have a show where me and my kid just travel the US going to every museum we can find and asking the people that work there to tell us about their favorite exhibit... Anyone wanna pay us to do that?




A short Dragon Age story.

 Animal Crossing post.


Anything Else?

 I'm down to three cigarettes a day! Go me. Okay, I'll admit, a couple days I have had four... But most days I'm down to three

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And that's it for this one. Not sure what Wednesday's post will be. Depends on what the fuck I get done in the next few days.

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