Saturday, December 23, 2023

This Week I...

'Tis Saturday. Let's see what I did this week.



Very little. I did some research for a fic idea. Research was mostly reading articles on Wookiepedia... I got a couple ideas for some Star Wars fics, but they require more Star Wars knowledge.



A bunch of fan-fiction. Fell down a Jango/Obi-Wan hole again. It's nice here...


How It's Made

Mostly watched some random true crime shows for background noise. Which, learned that I'm not a big fan of true crime stuff that isn't Casual Criminalist, Coffeehouse Crime or That Chapter on YouTube.



 Nothing. Maybe some games on my phone but that was it. 


Round up of things I did that won't get their own blog posts.


Anything Else?

 Hmm... I dunno. 

Still trying to find a job.

Kid turns 18 soon, so that's sending me down a spiral.

Lots of things are sending me down a spiral.

Not fan-fiction though!

That's all I got for this one. 

Support me on Ko-Fi 

Wednesday's post... Might end up being another Animal Crossing post. Having some trouble with some posts.

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