Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 19

Day 19 

Last time on Hades

Things happened. There were fish.

They are beautiful, Isabelle. You did a great job.


I... I can't remember what he sent me. There was a present... I wanna say it was an orange. Which I was happy to receive. We need oranges on Hades.

What the fuck, Rudy? 

Let me love you, Sable.

A recipe for what now?

Jail bars... Okay. 


Label gave me new shoes! I love them.

Thanks to me rewatching Luke Westaway's Animal Crossing videos I learned about this bug. Did not know there were bugs I had to dig for.

I put a manhole cover next to Rudy's house. Rudy lives next to a sewer. I don't regret this. I want a better cat villager. Me and the athletic ones never mesh well. 

I bought a puppy plush. It is adorable. I should name it... 

Wait. Did I make another perfect Snowboy? What is going on?!

This is weird. I think last time I made one perfect Snowboy all winter. 

Woo! Second complete fossil!

It is beautiful. 😍

I made a shell bed and was going to customize it. I couldn't decide which color to go with, so I asked my kiddo for their advice. They asked what color the rest of the room was. And then gave me a judgey look when I said the room it would go in didn't exist yet. So, I left it alone and stashed it until I get a second room on my house.
So, these pictures are from about a year ago. Oh well, I had nothing else for this week. See y'all Saturday.

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