Saturday, November 11, 2023

This Week I...

Another Saturday, which means another post about shit I did this week. 


A whole story! Well, it's not a long story, but I wrote something!

Also wrote bits on other stories.

And some on blog posts.


A book on the history of Kingwood, WV. 

A bunch of fan-fiction.

The Way of the House Husband


Good Eats

How to Become a Cult Leader

How to Become a Tyrant

The Way of the House Husband - I watched a bit of the live action thing... But, while not bad, I wasn't enjoying it as much. I'll watch the whole thing one day. But I went back and watched the anime. Again. Twice. I just can't stop.

Stuff on YouTube.


Nothing. I didn't even play games on my phone this week.


My ramblings about Star Wars: The Clone Wars

A Witcher fan-fic. (need an AO3 account to view that, by the way)

Anything Else?

Nothing much.

Kiddo finished up their required reading for the school year. Which is awesome.

Well, that's all for this one. Wednesday's post should be a round up of various things.

For now I must go. Cat demands attention. 

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