Saturday, November 4, 2023

This Week I...

 Hello there.

Saturday again. So let's see what I did this week.


Mostly blog posts. Wrote bits on some story ideas but nothing major. Since I broke my external hard drive, I gotta re-do my Writing Challenge document cause that's all I had saved on there.  Thankfully I have a spreadsheet that has most of what was on that doc. Cause all I really had was some basic ideas. So I've been copying and pasting those basic ideas onto a document all week. Cause I have way too many basic ideas and nothing written for them... 


Bits on my Now Reading stack of books. And fan-fiction. Oh, I also started reading the Way of the House Husband manga. It is just so good. Gonna watch the live-action show soon too. I need all of it.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Only watched a few episodes of the show. Which that show is even more depressing after reading fan-fictions where the clones live long and happy lives. 

Murder, She Wrote

Stuff on YouTube


Played a bit of Resident Evil 5. Need to get back to that... I was enjoying it.


Book Review

Monthly Plans

Anything Else?

Ummm... Not really. 

Now, if you'll excuse me. My cat needs attention.

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