Saturday, September 2, 2023

This Week I...

Hello There!

Let's see what I did this week.

Oliver didn't do much of anything this week. 


Little things here and there.

I did type up some stuff from the prompt journal.


Finished The Bookshop Murder.

Started The Stand by Stephen King. A little over half-way through it.

Also read a bunch of fan-fiction.


Wings mostly. 

Watched a bit of Aaahh! Real Monsters, as well. Loved that show as a kid. 

Watched some Are You Afraid of the Dark? as well. Never watched that show as a kid. It's good for what it is.

Also watched some Doug and some Angry Beavers. I'm just nostalgia watching a bunch of shit on Paramount+

School Spirits - I did start watching this on Friday. Watched two episodes and really enjoyed them. Gonna try and finish it up soon. It's about a girl who was murdered (maybe) and her ghost is stuck in the high school she attended. She can't remember how she died, and no one has found her body, so she decides she will solve her own murder.


Just some games on my phone.


Review of The Bookshop Murder.

Monthly plans post.

Anything Else?

Nothing really. Boring week, really.

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