Friday, September 1, 2023

This Month I Plan On...

Hello There!

I was going to do a monthly wrap-up post to see which things I actually did, but I decided I'll just cover that on here instead. 

So let's get on into it.


Did not go through all my old writing notes in August. Sort of just... shoved them under my bed to deal with later. Maybe I'll get that done this month. 

I do want to finish fleshing out my original characters. Got them all named, now to figure out what they look like. And some of them need some sort of personality.

Oh, I also wanna finally finish up my prompt journal. It has taken me way too long to get through that one.


Finished Salem's Lot and Bookshop Murder in August. Go me.

I'm going to try and focus on The Stand this month, which I'm a little over halfway through. And the Hawkeye comics. Might also try to get through either Good Omens or the Star Wars book I'm reading. No promises on those two though. Cause I will probably get distracted.


I did not watch any of the things I said I was going to watch. I ended up with Paramount+ for a month and spent the month basically watching Wings... 

So, the plan for this month is to watch the second season of Good Omens. Finish up the Resident Evil stuff. Watch Nimona. Oh, and Red, White, and Royal Blue. Oh, I would also like to start up Cheers. I want to watch Cheers, Frasier and Wings. I've already watched Wings all the way through but never really watched Cheers and only watched some Frasier. Time to watch it all.


I started playing Morrowind in August. Planning on getting back into that this month. I really would like to actually finish that damn game. It has an ending, right? I've never actually made it that far.

Anything Else?

I'm going to attempt to quit smoking. The past couple months I've slowly been cutting back. And I've been doing pretty well (except for when I'm driving or being social - those bring the anxiety and the anxiety brings a pack of cigarettes...). I'm down to about 6-7 cigarettes a day. Which still isn't great, but better than what it could be. 

And that's about it. 

See y'all tomorrow for the weekly wrap-up post. 

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