Saturday, August 19, 2023

This Week I...

 Hello There!

Let's see what I did this week.

Got angry mostly...


Some bits of fan-fiction.

Also working on something with my original characters. Not really anything that goes with the main plots of that. More of a character study, I suppose. It's fighting me a bit. 

Did a lot of research for a Naruto fan-fic idea that I've been playing around with for a couple years now. Like, a lot. I've drawn charts and diagrams. Sort of. And the Naruto canon is full of holes. Which can be annoying as shit.


Whole lotta fan-fiction.

Got less than 100 pages left in Salem's Lot. Shit is not going well in the Lot. I'll probably finish it up before I go to sleep tonight (in the morning...)


Stuff on YouTube. Whole bunch of Casual Geographic's stuff. Love that dude. 

Good Omens - Just the first season. Again. I was thinking about watching Red, White, and Royal Blue but I couldn't decide if I wanted to finish re-reading the book first or not. 

Wings - So, I had to order something from Walmart. And shipping on an 8-dollar mouse was 7 dollars. Which I did not want to pay. That is ridiculous. So... I got a Walmart+ free month trial. And that came with a free month of Paramount+. Which I've been wanting to check out, but haven't had the extra funds to do so. Saw Wings was on there and was like "Well, that's what I'm gonna watch all day". I really like this show. Did notice there were missing episodes and just looked it up. Looks like it's because of music licensing issues. They had that problem with Daria when they wanted to release it on DVD and they just removed a lot of the music. So if anyone wants to watch all of the show, I would go buy the DVD of the entire series. I got it and am pretty sure all the episodes are there. And seriously, I wouldn't have noticed that an episode that was missing didn't have a major plot event that carried over into the following episodes. 


A bit more on Morrowind. I'm waiting to play more until I get a mouse for my laptop. I don't like stealing the one from my desktop computer all the time. 

Also played a bunch of mobile games on my phone.


My ramblings about some Hawkeye comics.

Anything Else?

Spent a couple days searching online for a job. No luck cause this town sucks. Don't wanna be a nurse, don't have CDLs and I'm holding Walmart and fast food as a very last fucking resort. Both almost killed me when I worked them before. I would prefer something that is an overnight thing. Mostly because I live with my disabled parents and we have one solid working vehicle. So, days are mostly spent running errands for them. I dunno. I'll figure something out. 

Kiddo finished up their vocab work for the year. They also finished their science already. I would be concerned about them speeding through everything but they also have to write essays and other writing assignments. And do a sewing project. So their thought process is that the quicker they get through the easier things, the longer they can spend on the other things. 

Listened to music... Lot of Dixon Dallas and The Amazing Devil. I was hoping music would help me focus on my writing... And I heard about Dixon Dallas's Good Looking song and had to check it out. I was laughing so hard. Great song. Not Safe For Work, though. Unless your co-workers are cool. And if they are, where do you work? They hiring? What sort of benefits you got?

Okay. That's it for this weekly update. Not sure what Wednesday's post will be. Depends on how quickly I can get something written up about Salem's Lot. If I finish that original story thing I might post that on here as well. Not sure. Depends on how well I like the finished product probably. We'll see.

Check y'all later.

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