Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Hawkeye: My Life as a Weapon

Hello There!

I was going to wait until I read all six volumes of this before posting anything. But... I can do them one at a time. There's enough to talk about.

I'm gonna split this up by issues in the volume. So...

I need Hawkeye sheets...

Issue 1

Clint gets out of the hospital and meets a dog. Oh and the Tracksuit Mafia. The dog is more important. 

Issue 2

Clint and Kate (woo! Katie Kate!) go to a fancy Cirque Du Nuit performance. They're criminals. Not Clint and Kate. They stop the criminals. And Clint gets to drive a boat! He is great a boats. Kind of shit at recognizing languages though.

Issue 3

Clint has nine terrible ideas. But damn does he have a nice jacket. 

Issue 4

Part one of The Tape. Shield sends Clint off to deal with a tape that has been released of him assassinating someone. 

Issue 5

Part two of The Tape. Clint and Kate kick ass. And don't take many names. Look, they were busy.

Issue 6

The issue of Young Avengers where Kate meets Clint. In this timeline, Clint was running around with the Avengers (who were hiding out for some reason, I can't remember why right now) as Ronin. Captain America gave Clint's bow to Kate in a previous issue of Young Avengers. And then Clint took it back in this issue. And was very entertained when Kate stole it back. 


Oh my gods. I love these comics. Hawkeye is my favorite Marvel character. Both of them. Clint is an absolute mess in these comics. 

Remember that bit from the Hawkeye show on Disney+ where Clint and Kate are in the car being chased by the Tracksuit Mafia and Clint is shooting fancy arrows out of the car? Yeah, that is from Issue 3. Plot is different, but the fight is damn similar.

Also, Clint owns an apartment building in these comics. Which plays a big part in them. Remember Grills from the show? Yeah, he lives in the building Clint owns. In the comics he's a white dude, and doesn't LARP as far as I can remember. He was only in a bit of one of these and he was... grilling... 

I got the first issue of this series for free through Comixology years ago and figured I'd give it a shot. I was interested in reading more about Hawkeye, but didn't know that much about him. And by, about page two, I was in love. 

If you want to read some Hawkeye comics, I highly recommend this run. And I give props to the people that made the Hawkeye show for putting in enough references to this run into the show that I was making embarrassing fan-girl noises for a good part of the show. Not sure how I feel about the Swordsman switch though... But I'm not going to get into that here. This is about the comic, not the show. Maybe if I ever get Disney+ back I'll rewatch the show and do a whole post about that.

And... That's about it. I was waiting to start volume two until I got this all written up so my brain didn't smoosh them all together. So, now I can go read that one. Yay!

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