Saturday, August 12, 2023

This Week I...

Hello There!

Let's see what I did this week, shall we? 


Bits and pieces on various fan-fics. 
I got this massive idea for a Star Wars fic, which for a while was the title I gave it on Google Docs. I finally started actually writing bits for it. It is going to take a long time for me to write though.  


The first volume of Hawkeye.

A lot of fan-fiction.

Oh, I swapped books again. I was reading a true crime book. Just a collection of different serial killers. I was getting badly written and poorly researched vibes from very early on. And then I got to the part about the Manson Family, saw an error in the first paragraph, and just gave up. I swapped it for Mayflower Madam, which I have read before but it was many years ago. I remember I enjoyed it before. Let's see if that opinion holds.


Gravity Falls - Had some severe weather one day which resulted in our internet not working. And there was a fear of the power going out. So I just watched Gravity Falls on DVD

Good Eats - discovered this was on Max and had to start watching it again. I think this is one of the best "cooking" shows I've ever watched. And I've watched, like, three. But seriously, Alton Brown teaches some history, a bit of math, little bit of science, kitchen safety, and how to cook. All in a show that is full of silly humor. And yeah, I probably won't use a lot of his recipes but I will be using a bunch of his random kitchen tips. 

Rugrats - needed a comfort show. Sadly Rugrats didn't do it for me. I watched a few episodes and gave up.

Lot of YouTube stuff. Drawfee has quickly become a bit of a comfort channel. It's nice cause I can put the videos on as background noise, but are also super calming and fun to just sit and watch.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - been wanting to play this for some reason, and I got the Game of the Year Edition on a while back so I figured I'd play that. Never played it on PC before. And... I think I prefer it. I didn't play overly long, and I died pretty quick. I was playing on my laptop and soon learned that I should use a regular mouse and not just the laptop's mousepad. Which did cause an issue until I turned off the mousepad. But I'm enjoying it on the PC. There are a couple features I like more. And a feature or two that I'm not sure if are PC features or I just didn't know how to properly play on the Xbox. Oh, I also created my own class! I wanted to be a bard but I didn't like the set-up they gave me so I created Bard 2.0.


Animal Crossing blog post

Anything Else?

Did a little cleaning in my bedroom. I need to tackle my movie shelves and get those organized. But to do that I have to move my massive stack of books. So that is a multiple-day chore. 
One of my cats has decided anytime I am at my desk, he needs to be on the desk. Which has not been fun... 

Look at that asshole... 
He was sound asleep in his bed when I sat down. Not even five minutes later I had a bitey wrist rest. And he only does this with me. When my kiddo uses the desk for school he leaves them alone. He just doesn't like me doing something that doesn't involve him.

And that's it...

See y'all on Wednesday, which will either be a rambling about a book or another Animal Crossing post. Depends on how nit-picky I get about the book ramblings.

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