Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Hello There!

Another filler post for this week. I'm almost done with a book ramblings post, but not quite. No need to rush it when I got a bunch of these waiting for attention. 

And yes... This is from November. The date on the pictures is correct... Again, the Animal Crossing posts are filler posts.

Day 15

Last time on Hades...

 I did some mental planning for my island. Planted some flowers.

Isabelle! Oh I missed you!

Got me a nice pennant cause my house is so great.

Fuck yeah! Able sisters are coming to Hades!

So excited!

Fuck yeah. Gonna build another bridge. And maybe some ramps or stairs. Maybe. Probably...

Gotcha. Booze and hookers.

I am less excited by this than having the Able Sisters... 

You are not an imaginative man, Tom Nook.

Okie dokie.

I crafted a cute little mushroom wreath!

Oh! Look at my flowers!

Got a better picture of my purple roof. 

And that's all for this one. Don't forget to check in on Saturday to see if I did anything interesting this week.

“If you have friends who are as weird as you, then you have everything.”

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