Saturday, August 5, 2023

This Week I...

 Hello there!

Let's see what I did this week.

Spoiler: Nothing much... Again.


A little bit of fan-fiction things.Got in the mood to write some things with one pairing being cute.


Mostly fan-fiction. Got the last volume of the Hawkeye comic I needed so hopefully I'll at least get that started next week.


The Penguins of Madagascar movie. 

Murder, She Wrote

Kids Next Door - I needed something that I didn't really have to pay attention to on HBO Max. Or Max. or whatever it's called now. 

A whole bunch of nature documentaries on YouTube. A lot of them were about ocean animals so I was just sitting here shouting "I caught one of those!" like I actually went fishing and caught a fucking oarfish. I did not. Animal Crossing me did though!

Look at it! Which, that is from my old game. I don't think I've caught an oarfish in this game. Need to fix that. Love those sea monsters. Seriously, if you don't know what an oarfish is (or just how big they really are) go look them up.


Mobile games. Though, now I wanna go play some Animal Crossing. Catch some fish.


My plans for the month.
Review of a book about Richard Ramirez...
A couple things on AO3.

Anything Else?

My one cat (Wicket) was angry at me all week because a filthy mongrel was on his bed.

The filthy mongrel.

My parents were out of town for most the week so I had to baby-sit my dad's dog. He's clingy. But adorable so he gets a pass. Except for when he growls at my cats over food. Then I don't talk to him for a bit.

Kiddo is really enjoying their science course this year. Like, enjoying it so much that they are super focused on it and will probably finish it all up within the month. Which, one benefit of homeschooling is scheduling. Kiddo wants to focus on one subject for awhile? Go for it. As long as we get the required number of days in, it's cool. And they do the work that needs done. 

Oh, kiddo is also going to be reading Hamlet because one of their friends read it and said it would be better with lesbians (as are a lot of things) so now my kiddo has to read it to see if they agree. Speaking of Shakespeare, my kiddo really recommends the No Fear Shakespeare books. They give the original version of the play on one page, and on the opposite page is a modern English translation. I found a copy of Romeo and Juliet at a thrift shop for them and they really enjoyed it so they asked for a version of Hamlet. Which was on Amazon in paperback for less than 10 bucks. So yeah, if you wanna read some Shakespeare but are hesitant because of the Old English, check those out.

Well, that's all for now. The way it looks Wednesday's post will be an Animal Crossing post. Unless I finish a book (or read all those Hawkeye comics) by Tuesday and crank out some ramblings about that instead. 

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