Saturday, July 29, 2023

This Week I...


Sir Asshole the Grumpy

Hello There!

Time to tell y'all what I did this week. 

Spoiler: I didn't do much of anything.


Nothing much. I did a few things in my prompt journal. I dug out some old WinterHawk fics that I started years ago to see if I could finish them. I could not. 


A lot of fan-fiction. I'm working on a thing, so yeah... That's my reason for reading so much fan-fiction... 
I also swapped out two books I was reading for new ones. I just wasn't in the mood for a historical vampire romance so I swapped it for Red, White & Royal Blue cause I saw the trailer for the movie and wanted to re-read the book. I also swapped out the Queer History of the U.S. book for some random book I have about serial killers. I got through the first section of the queer history book and realized my brain wasn't focusing too well so I swapped it to something I didn't really give a shit about. I'll try again when I can focus because it was really interesting and informative. 


Stuff on YouTube. 
I was not great at focusing this week so I just put on my Watch Later list on YouTube. I did end up watching a lot of Drawfee's stuff. It's an art channel my kiddo recommended to me. And I kept putting on Dark LORE Dash's Diablo videos. Which are basically just playthroughs of the Diablo games with the dude narrating. I love his narration.


Kingdom Hearts - Ryan was playing Final Fantasy and mentioned a character that was in Kingdom Hearts which made me want to play Kingdom Hearts. Even brought out the PS2 and hooked it up instead of playing the remaster or whatever for PS4. Not sure why... I played for like an hour and then got distracted by shit.


And that was it...

Well, that is it for this week. 

I also did get some stuff done for homeschooling the kiddo this year. I think I just have to get the vocab stuff all together and we're ready to start. Which is good because the plan was to start this week but we kind of didn't. We spent the week making sure everything was ready and they knew what they were doing for the year. But... No actual school work. So sort of like the first week of public school. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

Check y'all later.

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