Tuesday, August 1, 2023

This Month I Plan On...

 Hello There!

So I was reading a blog post about fun and "interesting" blog post ideas. Because that is apparently what bloggers do? I don't know. But one of the things listed was posts about books you plan to read. This was about book blogging by the way. I decided that could be interesting (to me). But I'm going to expand on it, cause this isn't a book blog. It's a nerd blog. So, on the first of every month I'm going to do a post of things I want to do that month. I'm going to format them kind of like my weekly posts of what I did. So I'll go into what books I'm planning on reading. What movies/TV shows I plan on watch. What video games I plan to play. And what I want to try to write. 

Maybe this will guilt me into actually doing things instead of laying on my bed reading the same fan-fictions over and over.

So, let's get started!

This month I plan on...


I'm a little over halfway through Salem's Lot, hopefully I will get it all finished. And I got Goosebumps: Say Cheese and Die ready for my next spooky book to read. Need something less spooky this time.😂
The World's Most Infamous Killers is... okay. I'm only a few "chapters" in but it's basically just short blurbs about serial killers throughout history. Not sure how accurate it is since it said both Vlad Tepes and Elizabeth Bathory drank blood...
I'm about a 1/4 of a way through Good Omens. So I might get it done by the end of the month. Who knows.
I am reading the Young Jedi Knigts books super slow. If I wasn't so stubborn I would probably have given up on them. Not that I'm disliking them. Just not in the mood, maybe? I love those books. 
Saw the trailer for the Red, White & Royal Blue movie and decided I needed to read the book again. 
And the Daily Dose of Knowledge History book is an almost light read. I could probably get it finished by the end of the month if I can focus. I do not have faith that I can focus. 
I'm also reading The Bookshop Murder on Kindle. I'm 39% through it.

I really want to get through all of these books by the end of the month. I probably won't. My ability to focus on reading anything other than fan-fiction lately has been seriously lacking lately. Sometimes even fan-fiction doesn't hold my attention. But I'm going to really try.

I'm also planning on reading some Hawkeye comics. Just waiting to get volume 5 in the mail. 



Good Omens - Need to watch the second season before it all gets spoiled for me. 
Resident Evil - I started watching all the movies, animated movies and shows a while back. I think I'm up to Infinite Darkness, so I wanna finish watching all of those
I also want to check out Nimona on Netflix. I've heard good things about it. 


No real plans to play anything. Though I need to play something besides mobile games. I am working on looking up all the release dates for all my console games. I sort of want to try playing all of them in order of release. Just think it would be fun.


I plan on writing something...
I dug out all my handwritten things recently and realized that there are so many that need thrown away. Ones that I have typed up or even some that I have posted on AO3, so really no reason to keep the stacks of handwritten versions. They don't even count as backup versions since I changed so much since I wrote them up on paper. They're just taking up space. 

Anything Else?

Kiddo started up school yesterday. Last year of homeschooling. I think I'm going to miss it. So that will take some of my focus from things. But it will also give me time to do things while they are doing schoolwork. I also assigned them three history essays this year, so I was thinking about doing the same in solidarity. 

And that's about it. 
Hope y'all have a good month.

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