Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Just Talkin' Bout Star Wars

Hello there!

This popped up on my TimeHop from my Tumblr from about 11 years ago. Soooo... questions might seem a bit out of date. Also, I'm behind on Star Wars stuff. My fault. But anything after... Second season of The Mandalorian (I think that's what I was up to) won't be mentioned. And my brain tends to go back to Legends stuff so... Yeah...

1. All-time favorite character in Star Wars

Jaina Solo.

2. Favorite member of the Rebellion

Han Solo.

3. Favorite member of the Empire

*sings* Fuck the Empire. But if I had to choose, Mara Jade.

4. Favorite Jedi

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

5. Favorite Droid

T3-M4. That little guy saved my life more than once.

6. Favorite type of ship, or specific ship

I'm just gonna say the Millenium Falcon. 

7. Favorite planet

Not Tatooine, that's for fucking sure. Fuck that place.

8. Favorite movie in the original trilogy

I'm going to go with Return of the Jedi

9. Favorite movie in the prequel trilogy

Attack of the Clones I guess. 

10. Favorite photo that’s related to Star Wars

There was this set of pictures of a group of people promoting new Disney+ Star Wars shows. I only remember seeing the picture of Pedro Pascal and Ewan McGregor in costume laughing. It was great.

11. Favorite battle

Battle of Endor

12. All time favorite scene in any of the movies

Shit. I'm going to go with the whole scene when Obi-Wan arrives on Kamino. Just the confusion he has about the whole thing is great. And I've been reading a lot of Jango/Obi-Wan fan-fiction and that is there only interaction in canon so now I'm like "Love that shit..." 

13. Favorite quote

"I have a bad feeling about this"

14. A scene that makes you happy

Well, the ending scene of Return of the Jedi used to make me happy. Everyone celebrating the fall of the Empire. Just so much happy. Then... Things happened.

15. A scene that makes you sad/angry

Remember that bit from the Battle of Endor when two ewoks are running through the forest and get blasted and one dies and the other one is just sobbing over their dead buddy? Yeah. That one makes me sad... 

16. Photo of your Star Wars related things (books, action figures, posters, shirts, etc.)

My stuff is not organized so I can't do this. My Star Wars shit is all over the place. 

17. Your favorite moment in The Phantom Menace

That moment when Padme reveals herself as the queen and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan just look at each other like "called it".

18. Your favorite moment in Attack of the Clones

When Obi-Wan lost a planet.

19. Your favorite moment in Revenge of the Sith

Obi-Wan's fight with Grevious

20. Your favorite moment in A New Hope

"Boring conversation anyway."

21. Your favorite moment in Empire Strikes Back

When Luke dramatically exits the conversation with Vader on Cloud City.

22. Your favorite moment in Return of the Jedi

When Palpatine dies. Fuck that guy.

23. Something you wished was different in the series

*sigh* I wish the sequels weren't made. I enjoyed some of the characters (Rey is great, shut up). But... I enjoyed the Legends universe more. 

24. A character you didn’t like in the series

Kylo Ren. I dunno. He was just not that interesting to me. I still haven't sat down and watched The Rise of Skywalker so maybe my opinion will change but I doubt it. He just sort of annoyed me. It wasn't like Darth Vader from the original trilogy. Or even Darth Maul from Phantom Menace. He just gave me stereotypical angsty, rebellious teenager vibes. 

25. Your favorite book/series from the Expanded Universe

Probably the Young Jedi Knights series by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta. Mostly because I'm pretty sure those were the first books I read so I have a soft spot for them. Also, the Han Solo trilogy by A.C. Crispin is super great.

26. Your favorite Obi-Wan Kenobi quote

"Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows"

27. Your favorite Yoda quote

"Judge me by my size, do you?"

28. Your favorite Darth Vader quote

I cannot remember a single thing this mother fucker said. Shit... Uh... "Noooooooo!" Yep. Really liked that line. 

29. Best Star Wars related story/incident you’ve had

My brother and I once had an entire conversation in Star Wars quotes. We were out at the bar and were talking about something, can't remember what. But we just kept using Star Wars quotes that fit into the conversation. And then I didn't use a quote and he laughed and declared himself winner of a game I didn't even know we were playing... 

30. Why you love Star Wars

Cause it's fun? When I got into it, it was kind of just a way to bond with my older brothers. They liked it, so I wanted to like it. They were awesome to 10-year-old me. I did enjoy it, which was great cause I suck at fake enjoyment. Unless a dick is involved... Oh, I think I'm funny.

That's it for this week. Well, kind of. Still gonna have the wrap-up for the week on Saturday. Also working on a monthly post thing. Might or might not have that ready by August 1st. Who knows with me. I sure as fuck don't. 

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