Saturday, July 22, 2023

This Week I...

Evil Asshole Kitty...


I recently (last month or so) started doing daily posts on Tumblr that were basically just talking about what I watched, read, played, posted, and wrote that day. I decided to try and do something like that on here since not everyone follows me on Tumblr (which is probably for the best. Y'all do not need to know how crazy I actually am). Took me a while to decide to just keep the same format and switch it to a weekly thing. Seriously, it really took me way too long to come up with that... These will be posted on Saturday evenings. 

Also, I'll be doing these instead of the What I'm Watching posts. Cause I cover that here. 

Anyway! Let's get started


A lot of fan-fiction... Mostly WinterHawk stuff. I haven't read much of that pairing recently for reasons that I think I have but I don't quite understand. But while working on another blog post I re-read one of my favorites and got sucked back into the wonderful world of Clint and Bucky kissing. 😂

Read a bit on the small stack of books I'm reading, too. But haven't finished any so not noteworthy. 


Gravity Falls - Such a fun show.
Paranormal Caught on Camera - This show is fun. Kind of like some of the YouTube spooky stuff I watch. With "experts". A writer (Rosemary Ellen Guiley - she wrote a lot of the books I use for research) I really like is one of the experts, though so that's neat.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Netflix only has four seasons of this but imdb says there are 10 seasons. I am distraught. I need more My Little Pony! Look, it's a comfort show. I used to watch it all the time with my kiddo when they were young. Now I tend to put it on when I'm having a bad mental health day.
Psych - Haven't been much on focusing this week so I decided to put on an old favorite. Gods I fucking love this show. 
Mysteries at the Museum - This show seriously just makes me want to travel the U.S. and visit museums. And not just the big ones. Like those little ones in small towns that are super niche.
How It's Made - Okay... This show sucks me in so bad. And influences my shopping. Saw how bagels and marshmallow cookies were made. Bought both today at Walmart...
Also watched stuff on YouTube. 


Some mobile games.

That's it. I just played mobile games. I need to get back into gaming.


Blog post about Two Point Hospital.

New chapter on my WinterHawk Shorts on AO3.

Meet Apollo. A new story that will probably become a series about Clint Barton being a son of Apollo. Idea popped into my head and now won't go away...

Also posted a new chapter on my Shepard & Shepard Mass Effect thing.


Some bits for the Demigod Clint series (which I need to go ahead and make that series on AO3...)

Oh, I wrote a bunch of little things in my prompt journal. I was determined to get that all finished so I could start a new one. Then I got distracted... Should get back to it.

And that's what I did this week. 

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