Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Two Point Hospital

Hello there!
Gonna ramble a bit about a video game this week. 

Sorry that I just took pictures of my laptop with my phone again. I sort of forgot I know how to take screenshots on my laptop. Oops.

Anyway, I watched Jane from Outside Xbox play this game a bunch (check out the playlist) and it looked fun. But it took me a while to actually get it. 

And I do not regret the decision. 

Two Point Hospital is a sort of reboot of Theme Hospital (which I got on GOG for a couple bucks and played for a few hours. Enjoyable). The premise is you are a hospital manager. And you have to... manage a hospital. 

I've only played a few of the story mode bits and fucking loved it. Got a bit stressful at times. People kept dying (but they came back at ghosts!). But still really fun if you're into these types of games. I want to go through all the story mode before jumping into the sandbox mode. Which isn't something I usually do with games like this. I usually just jump into the freeplay/sandbox mode and go off. I regret those decisions now since maybe the story modes were actually fun... 

The graphics are great. Cartoony enough to be entertaining but not overly doing it. The diseases are humorous and fun. There is some dark humor which I love. Easy to learn how to play. As I said, it can get a bit stressful, but honestly still super fun.

I got Sonic the Hedgehog merch.

Had a bunch of Freddy Mercuries running around waiting for therapy.

The clown disease was a bit disturbing. 

I can make my staff dress up as Sonic characters...

I put a Sonic statue in all my hospitals.

Like I said, some dark humor.

All in all, fun game. Recommend it if you're into management-type games. Speaking of those types of games, gods do I miss playing Zoo Tycoon 2. That game was my life for years. 

Next time I talk about a PC game, I'll try to remember I can take screenshots with the laptop. That is on me.

Elected officials shouldn’t get to choose who gets to choose elected officials. 
~ Lewis Black

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