Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Save the Date by Annabeth Albert and Wendy Qualls

 Hello there!

Oh my... Two and a half days of Pride Month left and I'm finally talking about something with LGBTQ+ characters? Sorry about that. I did not plan ahead. I'll do better next year. I did start reading A Queer History of the United States last week. That is going to be a slow read. It's good, but the past was the worst. 

Now, onto the book ramblings!

Not a great picture, sorry.

No warnings this time, but there is:

Loss of virginity

Geek Boy/Army Dude

Secret Relationship

Feelings Realization

Sexy Times Between Two Consenting Adults

This book is a lovely little romance story about Randall and Hunter. They meet while Randall is out with his sister for her Bachelorette party. The group makes a stop at a gay bar where Hunter is looking to get laid.

The twist is that they are both in the wedding. Randall's sister and Hunter's best friend are getting married. So after Randall and Hunter have a night of sexual activity, they then have to spend the weekend doing fun wedding activities.

They continue to hook up over the weekend, but in secret because while they are both out to their friends and families, they don't want to deal with the drama of Hunter banging the bride's little brother. Understandable. And then *dum dum dum* they catch feelings.

This was a fun read. There was enough of a "will they stay together or won't they?" to keep it interesting. Characters were fun. Though, Hunter needs better music tastes. I would have hated that karaoke night they had. I have Life in a Highway stuck in my head again just thinking about it. 

My only issue was that Randall was a virgin. And after the first night where they trade handjobs, he's like "ditched my V-card". Then I asked my friend (who is a gay man) if mutual handjobs count as losing your virginity. He said as a gay man, yes. Not sure if he was being serious because then I went on an hour-long rant about how virginity is a stupid social construct and it was all fucking stupid. Pretty sure Ryan checked out of the conversation after a couple minutes but I would not shut up. Sorry, Ryan.

Oh, also, there was an issue with the florist. I have read a few books that involve a wedding and it always seems like there is a problem with the florist. We need to stop picking on the florists. Let's pick on the caterers. Ya know, at my brother's wedding they took my cake away. They served cake, and then I had to do a dance (I was in the wedding party, so there was mandatory dancing) and I came back expecting cake AND MY FUCKING CAKE WAS GONE. I don't think I had any cake at that wedding... Now I want cake.

That's all really. I recommend this book if you like romance stuff. It's cute and fun.

That's all I got for this week. 

If you think I'm funny and want to toss some money at me so I can buy more books, check out my Ko-Fi. Link is over there *points to the side*

“Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby—awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess.” 

– Lemony Snicket

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