Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Marvel 30 Day Challenge

 Hello there!

Been in a bit of a shitty head-space as of late, sooo... no well-thought-out blog post this week. This week I do a Marvel 30 Day Challenge. In one post. 

I think this is from this tumblr. Hopefully. I did a reverse image search and got nothing. Well, I got a whole bunch of other 30 Day Challenges. 

Since this says Marvel Challenge, I will be pulling my answers from the comics, movies, shows, what the fuck ever.

1. Favorite Film

2. Favorite Male Character
Clint Barton.

3. Favorite Female Character
Kate Bishop.

4. Favorite Villain
Kilgrave. Only cause I love David Tennant. 

5. Favorite Grey Character

6. Favorite Friendship
Clint and Natasha

7. Favorite Song

8. Favorite Costume
I loved Clint and Kate's costumes in the Hawkeye series. Especially towards the end when they were both decked out in purple and black. Just perfection.

9. Favorite Makeup Look

10. Favorite Weapon
Deadpool's swords.

11. Favorite Actress
Natalie Portman

12. Favorite Actor
Chris Evans

13. Character Crush Male
Clint Barton

14. Character Crush Female
Natasha Romanoff

15. Favorite Power
Deadpool's healing powers are pretty rad.

16. A Character That Grew On Me
Captain America. I was always kind of meh about him. But then after watching the movies I really grew to like him. And honestly, it took a couple viewings of each movie before I was liking him.

17. Most Memorable Death
Natasha Romanoff.

18. Second Favorite Female Character
Natasha Romanoff.

19. Second Favorite Male Character
Wade Wilson

20. A Character That You Weren't Too Fussed About
Umm... I dunno... Honestly, I wasn't too fussed about any of the characters until I learned more about them. Shit, I didn't even know who Clint Barton was until the Avengers movie. Even his bit in the Thor movie meant nothing to me. And then after the Avengers movie I was like "Oh, he seems interesting with his bow and arrows. I should learn more." Now he's my favorite. 

21. A Character You've Been Compared To
Ryan once said I was like Hulk... Because of the anger issues... 

22. Favorite Hairstyle

23. Favorite Character Development
Tony's in the MCU was pretty good.

24. An Underrated Character
I dunno. It seems like most the characters are getting their own time to shine and none are really that underrated anymore.

25. Favorite Phase
Don't really have one.

26. Favorite Team
Any team with a Hawkeye is my favorite.

27. Favorite Ship
Clint and Bucky.

28. Favorite Rivalry
I... I don't know.

29. A Character That You Shouldn't Like, But Do
I have no idea... 

30. Ultimate Favorite Character
Probably Clint Barton.

And that's all for this week!

“I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” 
– Lily Tomlin

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