Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Hello There!

I just realized that I never mentioned that these are "filler" posts. Basically, if I have nothing else prepared for the week, I toss up an Animal Crossing post. So... Yeah... Welcome to another filler post. No plot here, just filler.

Hopefully I can focus on something a bit better next week. 

Day 14

 Last time on Hades...

Got three new neighbors moved in. 

Other stuff happened. 

Oh... I forgot to craft myself a workbench so I could craft tools while this was going on. Ooops.

Oh, I look cute. Still need more clothes, though.

Doing some mental planning of things I want to do with my island. I wanna put in another bridge. Move Rudy and Cherry's houses. And mine. 

This is where I'm thinking of putting in a second bridge. Just opposite of where the first bridge is.

Some houses would look nice against the cliff there. 

This looks like a nice spot for a park. After I chop down all those trees. Sorry trees. I will replant some after I chop you down.

And I planted some flowers! I love just planting a bunch of flowers and letting them go. 

These pictures are from November... Sorry? Yeah, I'm not that sorry. I sort of fucked up and thought I had something else ready for this week, and I realized I didn't so it was a bit of a panic to find something else.

“I am a pretty crazy person, so it’s best for me to be on my own most of the time.” 
- Henry Rollins

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