Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Day 9

 Last time on Hades

Got the spot picked out for a bridge. 

And... That was about it...

Yay! Bridge!

Oh! I love Leif! She sells me pretty flowers and bushes!

Just hanging out with Leif.


Wait... What?

No one built me furniture before I moved here! I got a tent with a cot and a Nintendo Switch. Which I have no idea how I charged that thing. I was in a tent.

I planted some flowers in front of my museum. Oh! Look! A fossil hole!

Yay! A dab!

A crab!

One plot planned out.

Two plots planned out.

Three plots planned out.

Now I have to craft all the furniture, which is three interior pieces for each house and three exterior pieces for each house. I got a recipe for a ladder as well. So, gotta craft me one of those so I can finish exploring my island. 
Hopefully, all that won't take too long. 

“I think pickles are cucumbers that sold out. They sold their soul to the devil — and the devil was dill.”
-Mitch Hedberg

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