Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day 10

Last time on Hades...

Shit. What did happen last time?

Oh. I was told I had to build furniture for possible new villagers. Because they didn't want to live in a tent. So annoying. 🙄

Let's see how I did.

And I apologize for the dark pictures. I played sort of late so it was dark in the game.

Oh gods. Redd is on my island... 

There is a tarantula there... Look at it... I'm gonna try to catch it. Emphasis on try.

Holy fuck! I caught it! Took me about 20 minutes but I got the little fucker!

😑 I don't trust this guy. I am pretty sure all the art he sells is fake. Especially since last time I bought the same painting twice. Both were supposedly "real". Only realized I bought the thing twice when I tried to donate one to Blathers and he was all "Haha! You've already donated this!" Gonna still buy the stupid art cause I need to fill up that section of my museum, but it is still all a scam...

First completed fossil!

There it is! (I think... Oh gods. I'm probably wrong and Ryan is going to yell at me)

I fucking love those Dodos.

Love these dodos. So much.

Yessss... Move to my island....

One down, two to go.

Two down, one to go.

Three down!


Damn right. Y'all did nothing for this... 

I planted a coconut tree.

Hmm... Who is Peggy?

Al... Al sounds familiar... Is he a monkey? Or an ape? 

Daisy! I just met them!

I might move my house here later. I like the idea of living above everyone else... 

This one was a bit long, which I refuse to apologize for.

Found a way quicker way to transfer pictures from my Switch to the computer so that is a total yay! 

“Last week, I helped my friend stay put. It’s a lot easier’n helpin’ ’em move. I just went over to his house and made sure that he did not start to load shit into a truck.”

-Mitch Hedberg

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