Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Day Three

Last time I got the spot set up for Blathers! 
Aaaaaaaand I got stung by wasps and bit by a mosquito. Let's hope that shit doesn't happen again...

Yay! Blathers! I'm so excited!

Oh yeah. Bought myself some bandages so I can do a Clint Barton cosplay. I'm not even joking.

Yay! Blathers' tent!

So good to see you again, Blathers! I have so many things for you.

Okay. 15 items and then the museum gets built. Good. I can do that in no time.

Wish I could randomly dig up money in real life.

Hit a rock, get some bells. Love this game.

I gave him a bug. He hates bugs.

Thanks to Blathers I got my vaulting pole. And a shovel. So I can finally check out some more of my island.

Fucking sea bass...

My first fossil!

Oh nice. I got some roses. Tulips were my native flower last time and they pretty much took over. Which was partly my fault. I made most of my previous island a "Spooky Forest" thing and just filled it with trees, flowers and random things that would be worrisome to find in the woods. I loved all my flowers but fuck did those tulips go a little crazy.

Oh, it's so pretty! I'm gonna go look these up to see if they are as pretty in real life.

I'm gonna do something with this little bit. Not sure what though. I had a little garden on the one I had on the previous island, so I might go that way again. Or I'll find something else to put here.

Yes. We are all shocked about fossils being here. So shocked.

Knew it wouldn't take me too long to get the 15 items I needed to get my museum.

And we're finishing up this post with another bug. 

Next time I should have my museum. And Tom Nook told me I can build my house now if I want. I was focusing on getting the museum ready first. So, I might get my house ready next time. 
Also, my Animal Crossing mom sent me apples, so I need to get those planted. As well as some flowers I got. So, house and planting next time? If I remember.

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