Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Stephy Plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons

 Day Two

I left off last time right after I got my island, Hades, set up. Let's see what sort of adventures I get into this time.

Okay. I lied. Still showing off my bugs and fish.

I am almost positive we had these butterflies in our front yard the other day. Knew what they were thanks to this game. So, it's educational?

Oh. What "furniture" was I displaying you ask? 

Random critters. That was the "furniture"...

Got it before it could bite me.

I gotta say, the bugs in this game look soooo good. 

My dumbass totally forgot to get Blathers I have to show off bugs and fish to Tom Nook. I was thinking he would just randomly show up after a couple days.

Blathers?! Tom, Tom, Tom, gimme the phone. I wanna talk to him.

Oh! If you "place" a mosquito somewhere it is just a piece of paper with a glass on top with the mosquito in the glass! Fantastic.

Yay! So excited to get Blathers on my island! One step closer to the museum.


Son of a bitch! I stopped my "ouch I got stung by wasps!" dance only for a fucking mosquito to bite me!

Right after this I got stung by wasps again, woke up in front of my tent. Questioned how I got in front of my tent. Pictured Timmy and Tommy dragging my unconscious body to my tent by my feet, my head hitting every rock on the way and just leaving me in the doorway of my tent. Then I decided to stop playing for the day.
Blathers should be there the next time I play. Which... I can't remember how I go from Blathers in a tent to Blathers in the museum. Guess I'll figure that out soon.
Last time I put the museum right along my coastline, which at the time was fine. But later I wanted to make a little plaza area around the museum and put a couple extra dinosaur skeletons I had. And that would have taken a lot of bells and time. So, I'm hoping the spot I chose this time will work out better for me. 

See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

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