Wednesday, September 21, 2022

30 Day Disney Challenge (in one day)


I got this from Theme Park Princess's blog.
I will only be using Disney things for this. Not Star Wars. Not Marvel. Even though Disney owns them. Just Disney. And Pixar. For reasons.
Also, a lot of these are just going to be the first thing that pops into my head. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about what my favorite Disney love song is, okay?

1. Your favorite character

2. Your favorite princess
Vanellope. She counts!

3. Your favorite heroine
Does Lilo count? If so, Lilo all the way.

4. Your favorite prince
Eric. Because he is the only prince I can remember having an actual name and speaking more than a couple lines.

5. Your favorite hero
Ralph, from Wreck-It Ralph.

6. Your favorite animal
I always liked Meeko from Pocahontas

7. Your favorite sidekick
Timon and Pumbaa.

8. Your favorite villain

9. Your favorite original character
Pretty much every character from Lilo and Stitch.

10. Your favorite song
Put That Thing Back Where It Came From (or So Help Me)

11. Your favorite love song
Can You Feel the Love Tonight

12. Your favorite villain song
Be Prepared

13. Your least favorite song
I don't think I have one... None come to mind at least.

14. Your favorite kiss
When the dogs kiss over spaghetti.

15. The first movie you saw
I'm not 100% sure but I'm gonna say Lady and the Tramp.

16. Your favorite classic
Peter Pan. I know the movie has some problematic elements (y'all know what I'm talking about) but... I just love Peter Pan. 

17. Your least favorite classic
I'm not a big fan of the classic princess movies. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella. They are good and all, but I find them a bit boring. 

18. Your favorite Pixar film
Monsters Inc

19. Your least favorite Pixar film
I guess Planes? That is the only one I know that I have watched but remember nothing from. And I watched it and Cars a lot when I was baby-sitting. Li'l Wookie was way into those movies.

20. Your favorite sequel
I'm gonna go with Toy Story 2. 

21. An overrated movie
Ugh. I don't know. Frozen? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's good, but dear gods did it blow the fuck up for reasons I don't quite understand. 

22. An underrated movie
Uh... Uh... Mulan?

23. A movie that makes you laugh
Emperor's New Groove. Sometimes, a scene will pop into my head randomly and I'll giggle. 

24. A movie that makes you cry

25. Your favorite scene from your favorite movie?
The diner scene from Emperor's New Groove. That bit was just perfection.

26. Saddest death
Pretty much all of them. Like, damn, Disney. Way to traumatize.

27. Your favorite quote
"No touchy!"

28. Your favorite theme park
Never been to a Disney park.

29. Your favorite theme attraction
Don't have one.

30. Your favorite theme park show
Nada, dudes.

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