Wednesday, August 24, 2022

30 Day Movie Challenge (In One Day)


I found this on Pinterest and love these silly little survey things. I couldn't find a link to where it originally came from. This says 30 Day Challenge, but nope. Gonna do it in one post. Cause I'm forgetful. Also, thanks to Ryan for putting up with me asking what genre movies were. Cause I apparently suck at recognizing genres... 🤷🏻‍♀️

1. The last movie you watched

Josie and the Pussycats. That movie is just so fun. And I still dig the music.

2. A favorite fantasy movie

Lord of the Rings. All of them. Extended editions. I mean, how could I not choose them?

3. A favorite action/adventure movie

Shit. I suck at genres. Is Jurassic Park an action/adventure movie? I'm just gonna say Jurassic Park.

4. A favorite horror/suspense movie

The Conjuring. Oh wait! The Conjuring 2. The Crooked Man makes me giggle.

5. A favorite drama movie

Shit. This one stumped me. I'm not a big fan of dramas. I watch movies to either be happy or get the shit scared out of me, so a drama doesn't quite fill that spot. But... Hmm... American History X was quite good. 

6. A favorite comedy movie

Shaun of the Dead. I still think this movie is hilarious.

7. A movie that makes you happy

Deadpool. With the dead and the pool and the Vanessa and the just everything really.

8. A movie that makes you sad

The Land Before Time. Gods, I still fucking cry when Little Foot's mother dies.

9. A movie you practically know the whole script of

Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I once (or twice...) drunkenly re-enacted that movie. Got pretty close to the actual script.

10. Your favorite director

Kevin Smith. I've loved his movies since I watched Clerks in high school. Yes, there are some problematic elements in them. I won't deny that. But I still love his movies and he seems like an awesome person that I would love to just sit down and chat with.

11. Your favorite movie from your childhood

Probably either The Little Mermaid or The Land Before Time. I watched the shit out of both of those movies.

12. Your favorite animated movie

I'm gonna go with Lilo and Stitch.

13. A favorite love story

Gomez and Morticia Addams. 

14. A favorite quote from any movie

"I've got a bad feeling about this" from, like, all the Star Wars...

15. Least favorite book adaptation

The Percy Jackson movies. I will admit that if I can turn my brain off and pretend they are not adaptations of books, I enjoy them. They are good movies. But as adaptations they kind of suck. 

16. The last movie you saw in theaters

Shit. I honestly cannot remember. It was either Doctor Strange or Ant-Man. I think...

17. The best movie you saw in the past year

Jurassic World Dominion

Fuck anyone who said this movie was bad. It was fantastic. 

18. A movie that disappointed you most

The Exorcist. It was supposed to be the scariest movie ever and it bored me. It was boring. So fucking boring. *ducks brick that Ryan is throwing at me right now*

19. A favorite actor

David Tennant

20. A favorite actress

Betty White. 

21. The most overrated movie

The Exorcist. What? That movie was sooooo boring. 

22. The most underrated movie

I have no idea what counts as an underrated movie, but I'm gonna say Josie and the Pussycats because it was considered a flop, but I think was really good. It was just a fun little comedy with good music and fantastic actors. And, even though it was released in 2001, most of the humor held up pretty well. At least I still found it funny.

23. A favorite character from any movie

Eric Draven. I have been trying to fit The Crow in here somewhere. 

24. A favorite villain

The snakes on Snakes on a Plane.

25. A favorite hero

Hawkeye. Oh, come on. Anyone who knows me expects this answer.

26. A movie that is a guilty pleasure

10 Things I Hate About You. Honestly, really any teen movie from the 90s and early 00s. Loved those damn things...

27. A favorite classic movie

Back to the Future. According to the standards that Ryan and I decided on, it counts as a classic. And it's a damn good movie.

28. A favorite friendship in a movie

The only one I can think of at the moment is Josie, Valerie, and Melody from Josie and the Pussycats 🤷🏻‍♀️

29. A favorite remake

I don't have one at the moment. 

30. A least favorite movie

I really don't want to bitch about The Exorcist again... So... Fuck. Oh! A Christmas Story. Fuck that movie. And fuck that channel that plays it non-stop on Christmas.

That's all for this week! See y'all next Wednesday 👋🏻

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