Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Assassin's Creed: Revelations by Oliver Bowden

Assassin's Creed: Revelations by Oliver Bowden

Book Warnings:

Major character death

Graphic depictions of violence

Spoilers for both game and book ahead.

If you played the game, you know what happens in this book. Ezio is older, a little wiser, and looking for Altaïr's library. Well, not so much looking for it. He figured out where that was before the book even started. He just needs some keys to get the door opened. And those damn Templars keep getting in his way.

Oh, and he falls in love while all this is going on. Which, good for him. Ezio deserves the best.

And I spent the entire book wanting to learn Italian. Which... Is pretty average for anything Assassin's Creed. Spent three games wanting to learn Italian cause of Ezio. At least the curse words.

It's been a while since I played the game, but if I remember how the game ended, the book goes past that a bit? I honestly can't remember. The book covers his marriage to Sofia, their children, the death of Leonardo, Ezio naming a successor (A POET?!), meeting Shao Jun, and then, finally, Ezio's death. Which... Made me cry... Rude. 

The book also gives a quick overview of what happened to Altair, his family, and Malik. Which... Most of that I will be pretending didn't happen. My babies deserve happiness and I refuse to think anything but the best happened to them.

There were a few instances that some information was repeated. Information would be mentioned, then a few chapters later the same information would be mentioned again. But that was easily overlooked as the book was well written otherwise and a fun, entertaining read. 

I highly recommend it to anyone that is a fan of the games but needs a little bit more. 

Five hidden blades out of five from me.

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