Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

Book Warnings:
Major character death
graphic depictions of violence/death
minor character death

Spoilers for the book and movie

Do I have to supply y'all with a summary? I mean, the plot of the book is the same as the movie. Rich old guy decides he's gonna clone (get someone to clone) dinosaurs and build a park. Things do not go well. 
Summary done.

There are quite a few differences from the movie to the book (from the book to the movie?), but if you want a complete rundown of the differences, Check out Dominic Noble's video about it. Love him. 😍 


Let's see... What to say, what to say...

Hammond is an ass. I was very meh when his death happened. 

Gennaro (the lawyer that died on the toilet in the movie) was much better in the book. He wasn't the best character but he was still pretty fucking good. 

Lex in the book was pretty fucking annoying most of the time, but she did give the animals better names than "Rexy".

Soooo many dinosaurs. In the movie, we get, like, what? Three dinosaurs? Four? Book gives us so much more. And only a small percentage is trying to eat the people. This just goes to prove that this whole idea could have been done with the herbivores and shit would have been fine.

The beginning of the book was a bit slow for me. I dunno. It just took me a while to get excited to read it. But by the time everyone is at the park, I couldn't stop reading.

Oh, and Dr. Wu explaining how they cloned dinosaurs was pages of me wishing for Mr. DNA. I'm not good with science stuff, so give me a little cartoon to explain shit. Cause your big words mean nothing to me.

 This is a good read that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoyed the movies.


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