Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Upcoming Changes

 Since I finished my reading challenge posts I’ve been working on some new stuff. This means some slight changes with some posts and the introduction of new kinds of posts.

First, I’m going to start a series of Streaming Recommendations (that’s what I’m calling them in my head right now) posts. Basically, I’ll recommend six movies/TV Shows/YouTube channels, let you know what streaming platform you can watch them on and I’ll ramble a bit on why I like them. I’ll probably title them something weird so stay tuned for that.

Second, book reviews will continue and I’m working on improving on those. 

Third, Video Game Recommendations/Reviews. I'm a casual gamer and these will reflect that. I will not be going into detail about specs or whatever for games. I will be going into detail about how pretty things are and who you can kiss, though.

Fourth, I was originally trying to do Fan-Fiction Recommendations with themes for each post (like, soulmate fics, kid fics, arranged marriage fics, etc) but that proved a bit difficult. So, going forward I will just be doing six fics that I really enjoyed and think everyone else should read. 

Fifth, pretty much all of these will have a list of warnings and other relevant tags. Which, I’ll just be using warnings/tags from Archive of Our Own for the most part. I love their tagging system and wish I could have it on all media. I want to know going in if there is a Major Character Death or R*pe/Non-Con. Some book reviews that are coming up might not have this system because I got them prepped before I decided to start doing this. And my brain cannot remember what warnings need to be stated. Also, it will take me a bit to get this exactly how I want so expect some experimentation on it. 

Also, for all of these things, I will try very hard to not have spoilers. I’m not quite good at that sometimes, so I apologize in advance. And will try to at least give a spoiler warning for things. But I’ll probably forget from time to time. I’m just too used to everyone already have watched/played/read the thing I’m talking about that I forget. 

Final note: I have started to notice there is way too much negativity online (in the world, really). Every time I think I find some new YouTube channel or Twitter to follow or what-the-fuck-ever that posts about shit I like, I end up having to listen to some dude go off about how much they hate something for fifteen minutes. It's depressing and annoying. So... I have decided I will be mostly positive on here. I'm not saying I will leave out the questionable bits of things I talk about, but I will not focus on them. Gonna try to focus on the good shit about things I enjoy. So, if you don't like that and would prefer to read someone bitch about nerd-shit, fuck off. This ain't the place for you.

I think that is all for now. Like, subscribe, and hit that bel… Wait… That’s not right… Share with your friends? Yeah, do that.

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