Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Stephy Reading Challenge - Book 16

Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole

Immortals After Dark

When Lucia the Huntress was a teenager she did something stupid and has been forced to pay for her mistake for the rest of her life. Which has been a millennium or so now. One part of this is that she can't have sex, which hasn't been that difficult. Until she meets Garreth MacRieve.

Lucia is Garreth's mate. He's a Lykae. They have those things. When Lucia finds this out, she runs. Lucia runs for a year. And he follows. Then they end up together in the Amazon. 

Lots of fun and action and some big ass caiman later, they're in love. 

Really enjoyable read. Full of interesting characters and giant caimans.

Lucia was badass.

Garreth was heavy-handed at times, but not so much that I disliked him. Just rolled my eyes and whispered, "dude, no."

Sorry, this one is a bit half-assed. I forgot to write up the review until about three books later and had to go back and write something up. My bad. 

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