Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Stephy Reading Challenge - Book 15


One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
A Night Huntress Novel

This is the second book in the Night Huntress series. Told you I needed more Cat and Bones. Though, it was the first book I ever read in the series.

This takes place four years after the previous book. Cat is working for the government hunting down vampires. And missing Bones. At least until he shows back up at her best friend's wedding. 

Cat meets the man who turned Bones into a vampire, Ian. Ian decides he wants Cat as part of his collection. Which... Creepy, dude.

Someone is trying to kill Cat, as well.

Secrets are revealed. Which some were downright gasp-worthy.

I enjoyed this book. Characters are interesting. Plot is great.

The only part I didn't like was Cat's mother. Gods does that woman bother me. So. Fucking. Much. I'd want her to die, but that would upset Cat and I don't want that. But gods, there is nothing likable about her. Didn't like her in the last book. Didn't like her in this one. Probably not gonna like her in any of the other books.

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