Saturday, March 2, 2024

This Week I...

 Tis Saturday.

Guess we'll see what I did this week.



 Just worked on blog posts this week.


 A lot!

I finished The Stand, Good Omens, a book about Mary Shelley and the Star Wars book I was reading!

Which means I got to start new books. 

On the Kindle I started Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper, which is pretty good so far (and free for the Kindle...).

Started reading a true crime book and I'm not really digging it so I'll probably not finish it...


 Just Shoot Me - saw this was on Roku and decided to put it on. Some episodes are missing, which made me sad. But considering I was mostly using it as background noise while I read, it wasn't that big of a deal. Also, I forgot how much I enjoyed this stupid show.

The Storyteller - Saw this was on Max and was like "Yes, I do want to watch John Hurt tell stories to a puppet dog". Fun kids' show from the 80s.

The Storyteller: Greek Myths - Same basic premise as the original, but this time it's Michael Gambon telling Greek myths.





An Animal Crossing Post.


Anything Else?

 Not a damn thing.


That's all for this one. Not sure what Wednesday's post will be.

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