Saturday, February 3, 2024

This Week I...

 Howdy, y'all. It's Saturday. That means I get to try and remember what I did this week.



 A bit.

Decided to rename one of my characters so I spent the week looking up options for that. Still haven't made a decision. Trying to decide between two options.


 A bit.

Finished Girl Explorers


 Elementary - almost done with the first season.

Resident Evil: Death Island - Oh. This was good.



 I think I might have played some games on my phone... 


Ramblings about Love Bites

A short fic about Clint Barton not choosing a good password.


Anything Else?

Me and the kiddo went to a basketball game.  They've been wanting to get out and do things, and this town sucks. Basically all there is to do is sports or religion related. We decided sports were the lesser evil. Plus, my nephew is on the basketball team.

That's all for this one.

Wednesday's post should be some ramblings about a movie.

my ko-fi

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