We got Jill.
Released in 2023, this animated movie follows the canon of the video games. Taking place after the events of the sixth game, an outbreak of T-virus in San Franscico leads Chris, Jill and Claire to Alcatraz Island, where they run into Leon who is there on his own mission.
Content/Trigger Warnings
Impractical female villain outfit
Here be the list of tropes on tvtropes
Avengers Assemble - Oh my gods, we get Jill, Chris, Claire, Leon AND Rebecca in this movie. All teaming up and killing zombies. So great. Love it. Five stars.
Big Damn Heroes - Rebecca is a Big Damn Hero and she deserves much praise.
Running Gag - I didn't even realize this was a thing until I was reading this list, but apparently most of the vehicles Leon uses get destroyed. Which... This knowledge makes me want to go through the entire series and make notes of the fates of every vehicle Leon S. Kennedy ever used.
Like I said, in this one we get the heavy hitters of the franchise. Jill, Chris, Claire, Leon and Rebecca. This also takes place after the fifth game where (disclaimer, I have not played the fifth or sixth games, I also have not watched CJUGames play them. All my knowledge of those games comes from watching videos that cover the entire timeline of the games soooooo, I could be wrong here...) it's found out that Wesker had brainwashed Jill. But it's fine. Chris saved her or something. So, Jill is working through that in this movie. And she does a great job. Five stars, Jill. We love you.
All the characters were great. Except for the villain. Fuck that dude. He was an idiot. He deserved for his elaborate, stupid plan to fail.
The movie has action horror vibes. Which is fitting.
The main setting is Alcatraz. Which, I've never been there, so I don't know how accurate the depiction is.
But, atmosphere is spooky in all the right spots. Suspenseful. Setting is cool. Old prisons are great for spooky shit.
This isn't an adaptation. Not a spin-off either, really. It's more of another entry of the Resident Evil series. I think. The animated movies follow game canon, but I don't know if the games follow the movie canon.
Pretty basic plot for a Resident Evil thing. Someone wants to infect humanity with a virus that turns people into zombies. And the good guys win. No complaints from me.
Animation was great. Everyone was as pretty as they should be.
First off, at one point (when Chris, Claire and Jill arrive at Alcatraz) Chris Redfield is wearing a Hawaiian like shirt that I fucking need in my life. Not even joking. I want one. It is so ugly, and I would wear it constantly.
Jill is wearing the same outfit she wore in the Resident Evil 3 remake. Which seemed odd to me, but I just looked up some images from the movie, and I think Leon has been wearing that same shirt since Resident Evil 4. And Claire might be wearing the same jacket from Resident Evil 2 remake. Or she keeps buying red leather jackets.
Also, the Lady Villain's outfit was stupid. Like, seriously. I hate it.
How diverse is it?
Well, it's a bunch of white people. But we do get some badass female characters.
Overall Thoughts
Fun movie in the Resident Evil universe. I really enjoyed seeing all the gang together kicking ass. And really glad to see Rebecca kicking so much ass. She is one of my favorite Resident Evil characters and she doesn't get to kick enough ass.
I will say the movie does a good job at explaining some bits from the games and other movies without info-dumping. So, if you really wanted to, you could watch this one without knowing much about the games or movies. But... It wouldn't be as good, then.
And for everyone that complained that Welcome to Raccoon City didn't follow the games well enough, watch these movies instead.
That's all for this one.
See y'all Saturday.
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