Saturday, December 16, 2023

This Week I...


I did nothing this week.

Here's a post about how much nothing I did.



 Very little.


Bits on my Now Reading Stack.

I'm about halfway through the first Percy Jackson book... Cause I refuse to focus on books I started months ago.



 Miss Sherlock - This show was awesome. Working on a blog post about it.

Catching Killers - what is up with Netflix not putting shows in order on their page? Like, if you go to this show's page on Netflix, go down to the episodes and more section, they are listed as Season 3, Season 2, and Season 1. If you go to season one and start at episode one, you only watch one episode, then get kicked back to the episode menu screen. That is some stupid ass shit.

Stuff on YouTube. Lotta That Chapter stuff.  I dunno. Dude has a calming voice?


 Games on my phone.


 My ramblings about the Red, White, and Royal Blue movie.

Anything Else?

 Nah. Mental health ain't great this time of the year so there's that.


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