Saturday, November 25, 2023

This Week I...

 Another week gone. Another post of me trying to justify things I do? I dunno.


A bit. Reworking my prompt journal is doing pretty well for me. I haven't written any literary masterpieces but I'm writing so that's good.


Finished Murder is Easy by Agatha Christie

Also finished Disney Trivia From the Vault

Also read a little bit of fan-fiction. And some on my Now Reading Stack. 


Krampus - I fucking love this stupid fucking movie.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - was behind a few episodes. Real glad that bird won the Bird of the Century contest.

Murder, She Wrote - only watched a few episodes. 


Games on my phone. 

I need to get back to Resident Evil 5

Buuuuut... I just bought Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One on Steam. Which, hey, it is only 12 bucks for the Deluxe Edition until the 28th. 60 bucks on Epic Games still. So yeah, if you want it... Me and the kiddo had some money on Steam so I figured I would splurge. 


A blog post about things that won't get their own blog post.

Anything Else?

Hmm... Nothing comes to mind. 

That's all for this one. Wednesday's post should be a book review.

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