Saturday, October 28, 2023

This Week I...

 Look at that. It's Saturday again. Let's see what I did this week.


Not much. I got an idea for a Star Wars fan-fiction so I've been working on that for a couple of days.


I finished A Quick Bite by Lynsay Sands.

So, that's my Now Reading Stack. Over halfway done with the Young Jedi Knights book. Switched out a Goosebumps book for a spooky Star Wars book. Not sure if I'm gonna keep it in the stack since I'm already reading one Star Wars book. Don't wanna confuse my poor widdle brain.


A bunch of stuff on YouTube.

The Clone Wars movie.

More stuff on YouTube cause I won't let myself watch anything with a plot until I write up two blog posts... I hate myself sometimes.


Just some games on my phone.


My ramblings about Salem's Lot mini-series.

Anything Else?

Dropped my external hard-drive and it stopped working. So that's fun. Thankfully I didn't lose much, but still frustrating.

Oh, and we had to get a new printer. Fun times.

Well, that's all for this one. Wednesday's post will either be me rambling about a book or rambling about another Star Wars movie. Who knows. Not me.

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