Saturday, August 26, 2023

This Week I...

 Hello There!


Oliver is trying to nap.

Okay, let's see what I did this week.


A bit here and there. 

A blog post or two.

And writing adjacent: Trying to finish fleshing out my original characters. Got stuck for awhile trying to decide if my incubus should have horns or not. Mostly because I kept thinking "how would he sleep with those?" every time I saw a set of horns... 


Some fan-fiction.

Finished Salem's Lot.

Trying to focus in on the cozy mystery I've been reading on Kindle. 


Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - oh gods! This was sooooooo good. I wanna marry Holga. 


Penguins of Madagascar - the show this time. I love this show. 

Are You Afraid of the Dark? - The 90s were a wild time. I mean, these kids are just hanging out in the woods playing with fire and telling spooky stories.


Mobile games.


An original thing on AO3. Which, if you wanna read that you need an account. Sorry. If you want an invite let me know...

My ramblings about Salem's Lot.

Anything Else?

Kiddo's therapy got canceled this week. Which isn't a bad thing, really. Just threw us off that day. 

Then Thursday night/Friday morning it stormed real bad and I had three panicking dogs in my room wanting me to make the noise stop. 

Then today (Saturday) I woke up feeling like shit. So I'm gonna finish up a few things I need to do today and then I'm going to curl up, watch cartoons and maybe read.

No idea what Wednesday's post will be about. The way it's looking right now, it'll probably be another Animal Crossing post. See y'all then.

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