Wednesday, June 7, 2023

6 Video Games I Would Love Remastered Versions Of

 Quite a few older games have gotten remastered versions and it has made me think about what other games need a remastered version. So here's a list!

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 

This game renewed my love of video games after a decade of not being interested in them. It was also my introduction to RPGs. And gods do I want a remaster of it. I still play the original happily, but to have a remastered version with updated graphics and some new tweaks would be the best thing ever. And I know ASPYR did an update for Switch. I have it.  But as far as I can tell it is the original game for Switch. They even canceled the second game's DLC which was gonna be a bunch of cut content which I forgot was a thing and am now sad about.

 One request for a remaster, can I have a "holster weapon" button? I look like a tool walking around with my swords and blasters out all the time.

The Simpsons Hit and Run 

This game was basically Grand Theft Auto, but Simpsons. And it was so great. I honestly just want a re-release of this game for maybe newer consoles. I don't need updated graphics or newer plot bits from the show added. Just give me the same game on something besides PS2. Which I still have and play, but still...

Marvel Ultimate Alliance

I have this game for original Xbox. And there was DLC where I could get Hawkeye. That I missed out on because by the time I learned DLC was a thing, the original Xbox store was shut down. So. I want a remaster so I can get Hawkeye. Because that is all I really care about.

Dragon Age: Origins

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the original. I still play it fairly regularly. Love it to bits. But, hey, gimme a remaster. Everyone else seems to be demanding it, so I’m gonna join the crowd. 

Assassin’s Creed

This game deserves a remastered version for newer consoles. It is such a good game and I would like an updated version. I mean… Didn’t we get a remaster of Assassin’s Creed III? Well, Altair needs a remaster as well. 

The Witcher

I didn’t know the Witcher was a thing until the second or third game was released. And by that point the only place you could get the first game was Which I got. But I would love an updated remaster for consoles as well. 

And that's all I got for now. 
See y'all next time.

Hating someone is giving them too much, just leave them alone. 
~ Henry Rollins

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