Wednesday, May 3, 2023

My Tier List of Starter Pokemon


There it is. My tier list.

I do not play Pokemon. I occasionally play Pokemon Go, but that's about it. So, I judged these little dudes based on their cuteness mostly. 
Thanks to my kiddo for typing out their names for me, cause I know Squirtle and that was about it. Well, I was pretty sure about a few others but wasn't sure enough so I just asked the kiddo to type the list for me. 
Commentary will be short. 

Tier One

I always thought Bulbasaur was a little cutie. 
Fire. Dinosaur.
Squirtle is another one I always thought was adorable. Look at their little face!
Kiddo has a stuffed one of these (kiddo has a lot of stuffed Pokemon), and it went to the eye doctor with them years ago. They and one of the assistants there geeked out over Pokemon for a few minutes. It was adorable. So, because of that memory, Totodile has a special place in my heart. 
Mudkip is fucking adorable. 
Fire. Monkey.

Also adorable.

Is this a fire kitty? I feel like this is a fire kitty. Fire. Kitty.

Tier 2

Not sure about this fella, but I think that is fire so I'm down with it.
Adorable little fella.
Froakie is adorable but gives me weird vibes. I dunno. 
Looks like an idiot. But in a nice way.

Tier 3

I bet this Pokemon takes an hour to get ready... I'm annoyed by them... 

They just kind of look like an asshole...

This Pokemon looks like a hyperactive child...

They have a clown nose. I don't like clowns...

It is cute, but it gives me horror vibes. Like, it's too cute. It will turn into a monster and eat my face.
Sorry, but this dude looks like a Bugs Bunny rip-off... 

Tier 4

I have issues with birds that are not penguins or owls. Sorry Torchic...
 I feel like this Pokemon is judging everything I do and finds me lacking.

Not sure what it is about this one, I just don't like it.
Is that a baseball on it's stomach?
They just bother me. 

I just imagine this one just never shuts up... 

You would think that this one looks like Donald Duck in Pokemon form would give it a higher ranking, but to me, it sort of looks more like a rip-off Donald Duck that you would find in a dollar store toy aisle. Ronald Duck.

And that's it. My tier list for Starter Pokemon. I apologize to all of the Pokemon fans because I know nothing about these characters, I just went by their cuteness level and the vibes I get from them. Tepig could be awesome, but I'll never know. 
Thanks to my kiddo again for humoring their mother and typing out the list of actual names for me. And also props to them for dealing with me renaming every Pokemon in my head and rarely remembering the actual name. No matter how many times they tell me what it is. Same for Ryan but I'm pretty sure he glares at me more. 

Also, these are my opinions. Don't comment to tell me I'm wrong. But if you want to have a fun discussion about which Pokemon give you weird vibes, comment away! 
And if anyone is curious, Snorlax is my favorite Pokemon. Love that sleepy dude. 

“I hate turkeys. If you stand in the meat section at the grocery store long enough, you start to get mad at turkeys. There’s turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Someone needs to tell the turkey, man, just be yourself.”
-Mitch Hedberg

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